Saturday, January 27, 2007

On This Day Of National Protest, My Favorite Anti-War Tune

....which actually points out a very good reason I should be in favor of Mr. Bush's little Iraq adventure. Oh the irony. If you raised your voice today, the Drugmonkey salutes you. Check out Hard On For War on Drugmonkey radio.


Wayne said...

DM: I"m a new reader as you may know and have come to really enjoy your blog. I'm not sure I really follow your politics though even though I've read through them. I get the part that you hate Republicans. I get a few of the reasons, namely the war and their letting religion get in the way of sound medicine/science etc. I personally however don't see much difference both parties other than honestly, Supreme court choices.

The 'bad guys' can influence politicans and obviously do. Whoever is in power is susecptible to that.

I personally am completely against the war on drugs. NOt b/c I want to get high, but just b/c I think that just about every negative aspect of drug abuse is greatly exacerbated by prohibition. I think the FDA does a terrible job in so many ways, mainly in keeping necessary drugs off the market or delaying them. Law enforcement abuses and assualts on personal liberties go on and just keep getting worse irrespective of who's in power. IN fact, I think the drug war and much of our foreign policy are much bigger than either party or president. At some point, they are just figureheads.

Obviously you're a busy guy, but if you had a few seconds, I"m honestly curious as to why you think one party is so preferable to the other.



DrugMonkey, Master of Pharmacy said...


It's an important subject. I'll make time.

I hear everything you've said. I was saying it all myself 7 years ago when I fell for the siren song of Ralph Nader. Ever see the Rage Against The Machine Video for "Testify"? God I loved that video.

Then came the war and a prefect demonstration of the importance of politics. We lost the battle of the hanging chads and therefore sent our young people off to kill and die on a real battlefield. Yes, far too many Democrats grew a set of hooves and a coat of wool and followed George the Lessor and the pro life party that chose death, but it's a war that would not have happened under a president Gore. (Do sheep have hooves? I dunno, and I don't feel like looking it up right now.)

So now there are people dead across the globe because of the decision made in the presidential election of 2000. How's that for politics having an impact on your day to day affairs? Remember the final decision in that election was made by those Supreme Court choices you know are so important.

Take a good look at the people running for president and ask yourself which of them you would like to make those Supreme Court appointments. Take a look at who'll be running for the Senate in your state and ask yourself who you would like to have a vote to confirm those choices. I'll put up a Benjamin that the people you'll come up with will be.....Democrats.

Look at the incredible amount of damage Bush's little bitch-men did in an incredibly short period of time when they were in charge of your Congress. Have you been keeping up with the news? Have you seen how the entire tone of Congress has changed this month when it was taken over by.....Democrats?

Let's talk about the war on drugs and the FDA. I won't lie to you, the war on drugs won't end anytime soon. It just won't. Change in politics can be absolutely glacial. The candidate for president most likely to put some sanity into it however is Dennis Kucinich, a.... Democrat. George Bush appointed people to the FDA who stood in the way of Plan B for years not for any scientific reason, but to further their religious agenda. They relented only because of pressure from.......Democrats.

You mentioned law enforcement abuse and assaults on personal liberties. Opposition to the PATRIOT act, to Guantanamo Bay, to the designation of "enemy combatants", to the eroding of habeas corpus rights, to domestic wiretapping, has been almost without exception done by......Democrats.

Seeing a pattern here?

Am I saying the Democratic party is a bastion of benevolent wise leaders? Fuck no. There are bastards in the Democratic Party that make me so angry I can't see straight. Some of those bastards are very powerful. You know what the answer is though? Working within the party to let those bastards know they better change their tune or we will take them down. We stripped Joe Liberman of the right to call himself a Democrat, and John Kerry has finally said, albeit 3 years too late, that he is unambiguously against the war. John Edwards says his vote for the war was one of his biggest mistakes. Think any of that would have happened without good people such as yourself deciding to get involved? Hell no it wouldn't have. Bill, you get a fire lit under you about this war on drugs and I guarantee you you can make a difference. When we decide nothing will change and leave, we leave them in charge of both parties and create a self-fulfilling prophecy.

With a lot of work, we can force Democrats to listen to us. Republicans never will. Ever. That's the difference in a nutshell.

Thanks for the comment. Seriously.

Wayne said...

I buy each of your arguments. I guess I"m just more cynical in general b/c I think peple talk a good game until they get into offic,e then they turn into "one of them". THere's a lot I don't like about the dems and a lot I don't like about the repubs. Either side just ends up reinforcing govts size and scope all rhetoric aside. I don't want socialized health care. And I fear that the trial attorneys can do more damage than most any other group if not restrained. Hence, my aversion to democrats. I hate so much about the republicans I woh't sure up once I get started.

The more I read from you, the more I agree, you've got a great blog - I'll be linking to it soon, hopefuuly I can drive some traffic over.

Cheers, Bill

Mother Jones RN said...

DM: Thank you for your thoughtful comments. GWB is a war criminal, and our country is in sad shape. I hope more people like you will stand up and say, "Enough!"