Saturday, December 30, 2006

From The Mailbag; An Alert Reader Makes A Pretty Damn Good Guess As To Who I Might Be

In my e-mail box this morning was this picture, evidently from the Rite Aid employee newsletter, along with a formal accusation that the male pharmacist in the background "has to be" yours truly:

I can understand why someone would say this. I mean look at him back there. He is so not with the corporate program. Not only does he have the look of a person who wants to tear off someones head and shit down their neck while he is surrounded by the unique fake laughter of people whose soul has been crushed by chain retail, but I cannot rule out the possibility upon close inspection of this picture that that's his middle finger sticking up for the camera.

I can honestly say that I am not this man, nor have I ever met him. I have a feeling though that if I ever should, we would get along quite swimmingly.


Anonymous said...

He's holding up the wrong finger to be you.

Anonymous said...

What I want to know is why the hell they all have white gloves on??? Or are those supposed to be rubber gloves? Either way that's kind of scary for retail pharmacy.

Anonymous said...

Looks like they are getting ready to do a prostate exam. Is that a woman in the back with a purple turneck on? Does she have a mustache?? I'm so confused.


Anonymous said...

Well, it does look like they are getting ready to give a prostate exam. But as I know from experience working for the pictured company is just as it seems...taking it up the ass every day (usually by someone who looks like the person in the purple turtleneck!

If you work for Rite Aid Drugmonkey, my thoughts and prayers go out to you.

Anonymous said...

The "woman" in the background reminds me a bit of Dustin Hoffman when he played Captain Hook in the 1991 movie Hook.

TheReelDeel said...

I can believe Wrong-Aid selling customers prostate exams. Just as long as they keep 1 hand on your shoulder...

Anonymous said...

It looks as though the day is just starting as all of the gloves are still white...Did you guys modify the blood pressure station to facilitate the proper position for DREs and is it HIPPA compliant?

Katie Schwartz said...

nah, I would never peg that guy for you. but the guy in front with the beard, that's who I would guess would be you-- IF, IF this was a picture of your pharmaposse.

Anonymous said...

Apparently this person has not read all of your posts -- or at least not very far back.

I would say that Drugmonkey works for CVS/Caremark or Walgreens, definitely NOT Rite Aid. He works harder than the pharmacy staff at Rite Aid ever would!

Stonegiant said...

There is a distinct lack of you denying Rite Aid, however...