Saturday, December 09, 2006

I Went Into Pharmacy So I'd Have Enough Money To Attract A Hot Chick, Oh The Painful Irony.

I'd be willing to bet that more than one of you in the profession out there may get a bit.........surly when the pharmacy goes into full scale pill moving action. You've got prescriptions coming in by phone, by fax, by electronic Rx, being dropped off in person by numbnut members of the general public. Carrier pigeons are flying in through the drive through window carrying orders for Vicodin. They all wanted their meds 20 minutes ago, and they all want to talk to you for 20 minutes.

Now I understand if you are the type of person who reads a label that says you should take your antibiotic until it's all gone and still need me to tell you in person that you should take your antibiotic until it's all gone. Idiots like you keep me from being completely replaced with a robot. Any drug related interruption, no matter how trivial, basic, and yes..... stupid as it may be, I'm OK with. When the carrier pigeons are flying though, and you want to stop me to ask where the nearest lottery agent is, I will be mean. I have to be, otherwise nobody's drugs get out the door. Got that? It's been that way long enough now it's embedded into my very being. Non-drug related conversation = blowoff.

I found out just how deeply embedded this afternoon. I had a room full of pigeons pissed because they had to fly back to the clinic before dark. All hell was indeed breaking loose, and a woman caught my eye. Looking back I realize how hard she would have had to work to do this. My eye is almost impossible to catch when hell is breaking loose. Eyes locked, I had to say something or look like a dork. I hoped a simple "Hi, how are you?" would let me get back to work.

"You know" she says, "I was watching you just now and you have almost perfect skin"

"God damn it" says the drug monkey to himself, "I've got 30 prescriptions on the counter and an angry hoard of barbarians in the waiting room. Like I have time for this" The chick got the non-drug related blowoff, just like the lottery player.

It wasn't until the pigeons had flown off that I realized what had happened. The chick was hot. A hot chick had mounted a totally unprovoked hit on yours truly. This will never happen again, and I gave her the blowoff. This is what my job has done to me. I give the brushoff to beautiful women in order to meet the expectations of Corporate America.

I'm going to go drink a lot of scotch now until I get sick.


Anonymous said...

Don't worry, that was just the new dermatologist in town. She will continue to write BRAND ONLY scripts for all kinds of shit you have to special order.

Mother Jones RN said...

Well, there are some women who like bad boys.

Maybe she thinks you’re BAD. Hope springs eternal.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you and I shared a similar Saturday night. Only my liquid lover was tequila. Hopefully Sunday did not land you the walk 'o shame.

Anonymous said...

Never mind all that, drugMonkey...
what IS your secret to perfect skin??? Exfoliation? Retin-A?

DrugMonkey, Master of Pharmacy said...

12 hour workdays with constant access to screaming lunatics. The resulting high blood pressure brings a larger than average amount of nutrients to my dermis, allowing it to assemble the proteins necessary to ensure my face will have the youthful glow of a 24 year old as I lie dead in the morgue after a massive heart attack.

Randall Sexton said...

This reminds me of what you can do in this situation. Years ago, a friend and I both had vasectomies at about the same time. I called him one night to see how he was doing and he said he wished he was a dog. "Why," I ask? "So I could lick my own balls!"

Beun said...

Hey, at least you get hot chicks. I get skanky trailer-park welfare queens with no teeth wearing stained sweatpants. Oh, and a methamphetamine-enhanced complexion. I just gives me wood.

Anonymous said...

The pharmacists I know, since I work nights, all have glowy pallor to their complexions.

The ones who've worked there the longest have vaguely pink-ish pupils.

They don't speak much, either.

Anonymous said...

Oh.. man if she ain't drug-rep, she's probably having $$$ in her eyes as everybody seems to think that pharmacists earn big $.

Anonymous said...

pharma-grasshoppahhhh!!! Patience!!! The Congaqween has a chick-attracting strategy pour time hot chick sasays in, tell her you will reveal your secret to beautiful skin.....provide her your coordiantes, and at the appointed hour, invite her her the beautiful view of the bay all the while plying her with scotch...much scotch... or maybe those vile dirty Martini's.... next morning..voila!!! She wont remember why she's there and will be too embarrassed to ask and your secret to beautiful skin will be safe.....once again!!!
Bill is in the mail......

Anonymous said...

I'd "mount a totally unprovoked hit on you."

Oh wait, I already did, like... 3 months ago. :)

..and now we're best friends forever!