Friday, December 22, 2006

Nothing Warms My Heart Like A Good Piece Of Hate Mail.....

....unfortunately this is all I have to work with tonight:

So do you have any emotions besides discontentment and passive-aggressive rage? Now I know what blog to read when I want to feel angry and depressed. If you hate your life so much, hell, give me your job, I'll take it.

-future pharmacist

It's not even a hate mail really, just more of a "you suck" kinda message....*sigh*

Isn't it cute though how he signs off "future pharmacist"? Seriously, can't you just see his back straightening up and his head tilting up a bit as he swells with pride upon uttering those words?

Do you suppose he still gets beaten up for his lunch money?

The fact that our little friend will have absolutely no trouble finding a job exactly like mine does break through the discontent and passive aggressiveness and bring a tad of joy to my heart though.

Thanks for caring enough to write in.


Anonymous said...

Give it a few months, he (or she) will become one of your most loyal readers, hanging off your every word, knowing the truths of which you speak....

Anonymous said...

I don't recall anyone being forced to read your blog! Don't come back! Let the rest of us enjoy our drug monkey!

a serious drug monkey groupie (and pharmacist)

Anonymous said...

They have idea what they are getting into. A happy pharmacist is a pharmacist who does not work in retail. : )

Nice blog by the way, I find it hard to read though b/c of the black/white motif. Or maybe I just stare at computer screens too much.

--==-- said...

Ever since you wrote that classic "Who your RX takes so long" entry, you have officially become as much a part of the profession as a damned counting tray. Let the little prepharmacy pisant babble. We know the truth. The corporate pharmacy world is intellectual death. Oh well. More money to spend at Dave and Buster's..

Anonymous said...

I've been an anonymous reader for sometime..but as a "future pharmacist" myself I have to say: GET USED TO IT. The Drug Monkey sagas and opinions are a true fact of retail pharmacy which, I'm sorry to say, you will most like be doing the rest of your life. Please refer to the story of the lady asking where the douche bags were.

Anonymous said...

I'm a disgruntled technician and a "future pharmacist" as well. I feel bad for all my fellow future pharmacists who don't know exactly what they're getting themselves into. I do know, and for some reason I'm still doing it. Those that don't have the experience in pharmacy that I do should at least read your blog as some fair warning. Pharmacists and their patients aren't anything like what you see on the CVS commercials.

Anonymous said...

it took me precisely 20 minutes post-licensure to lose all my "future pharmacist" idealism. and the stories you tell on your blog are awesome, as well as being the reason i work in a hospital.

Anonymous said...

I am another pharmacist whose retail career was quite short (2 weeks) due to my inability to stomach all of the stupid and angry people out there. To all of the "future pharmacists" out there: be aware that what is written on this blog is true. I have worked retail, hospital and clinical and in each job pharmacists get treated like dirt and end up taking the brunt of the patient's anger. If I had known in pharmacy school what to expect, I never would have continued. If you are an intern and hate the pharmacy world already, beware that will be your life's work and get out while you can (before you get married, have kids and a mortgage and can't afford to take the pay decrease or go back to school).

Anonymous said...

On my last rotation before graduating, the oncology pharmacist I was working with turned to me and said "Run. Get out now while there's still time." I should have listened. To future pharmacist: You are obviously too much of an idealistic pansy-ass to deal with the realities of retail. Hopefully you can find yourself a nice desk job where you can keep your lucky stuffed bunny in your office. Speaking as a pharmacist who has worked retail for many years: Narc addicts will tell you their mother died 20 minutes ago if they think you're soft enough to believe it. Old people think age equates with honesty and that the world owes them. A Medicaid card is a message from God to the ER doc to write a Vicodin script for an earache. People suck. If you don't turn your rage into humor, you'll absolutely go insane. The average retail RPh takes 5 years to burn out...I'm living on 4 years of borrowed time.

Anonymous said...

i think we should start a countdown timer of the time this person gets their license to the time they quit or go clinically insane. i bet it won't take too long. either that or they'll be feeling awfully stupid for writing that.