Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tonight I've Realized The Key To Wealth Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I Shall Become A Car Dealer Who Sells Only To Republicans.

I can see it now.........

(Fade into dream sequence here)

Me: As you can see Mr. Bartlett, this model handles like nothing else on the road.

Bartlett: You're right Drugmonkey. I think this is the car for me.

Me: I'm sure you'll be happy with it. Now, before I get the paperwork, there is the matter of the price.

Bartlett: Well I certainly hope you're not planning on giving me any type of discount.

Me: Since you are buying an entire fleet of vehicles for the use of the federal government I think we might be able......um.....what did you say?

Bartlett: You're not one of those liberals who want to charge me anything less than full sticker price are you?

Me: Um, no, ahh....certainly not.

Bartlett: Well good. I'm glad I don't have to explain to you how expensive it is for automobile manufacturers to do the research and development necessary to continue to bring us new and improved cars each year, that you see the only way to get airbags and anti-lock brakes is to let the market work. And by golly, the market has been working. The proof is in the pudding, it's been benefiting American drivers. Now you charge me full sticker price and not one nickel less.

Me: Yes sir.

(Fade into a secondary dream sequence of me at a lush tropical resort surrounded by burka-clad bimbos and lighting a cigar with a hundred dollar bill)

Some of you might be quite rationally saying at this point, "Drugmonkey, WTF? Have you been hitting up the LSD again? The thought of the federal government demanding to pay full price for something instead of using it's volume buying power is ridiculous."

Is it?........ Is it?

What if Bartlett really existed? What if he were in charge of Medicare Part D, which provides prescription coverage for old folks? Might he say something like this?

Fox News Loudmouth Know It All White Middle Aged Guy: You’re saying you don’t need to have Medicare negotiate lower prices. it’s already happened.

BARTLETT: The marketplace is working. We’re more than happy to have that debate with Republicans, Democrats, whoever wants to talk about it. The proof is in the pudding. It’s been working. It’s been benefitting America’s seniors.

Click here for a trip into the Twilight Zone.

These fuckers still don't get it. They just got bitch-slapped by the American people and they are still defending their corporate masters to the death. Soon to be Speaker of The House Nancy Pelosi, who looks damn hot even when she's not wearing a burka, has promised legislation giving the feds the power to negotiate drug prices within the first 100 hours of the Deomcratic takeover of the House in January. Estimates are this could save $190 billion over the next 10 years.

Your decision in last weeks elections is about to pay off. Literally. Us tax and spend liberals are about to save you some serious jack. It's pledge week over at antiwar.com. You could show us your appeciation by throwing some of it their way.


Anonymous said...

Eh, wont really matter to the consumer. So the government wheels and deals to get prevacid at $0.25 vs $3, just means more profit for the PBM's who will still be raking in the cash at the old price once they hit the donut hole.

Anonymous said...

For anyone in the medical profession, and really anyone who takes Rx drugs, I highly recommend the book by Marcia Angell - The Truth About Drug Companies And What You Can Do About It.