Thursday, November 30, 2006

Sometimes The Stupidity Spreads Into The Ranks Of My Own Profession.

So I'm dragging my sorry ass into the happy little pill room this morning hating life just a little more than usual. I'm not really awake yet. No surprise there. Some dumbfuck is waiting at the gate thinking if he stands 2 inches away in the moments before I show up to unlock it, that means his Vicodin will be done all the faster. No surprise there. What I'm dreading is throwing open that gate and seeing the mess the agency guy left for me. Agency guys suck. In this era of unprecedented pharmacist shortage, when in an average week I get 3 to 4 unsolicited job offers via telephone or US mail, agency guys are unable to land steady employment. You can just imagine then, the joy of having an agency guy at your store. And they are almost always guys. I've yet to see an agency woman. I should clarify that. I mean an agency woman who works for a pharmacy temporary placement service. Woe is the pharmacist that has the shift after that of an agency guy.

Today did not disappoint. Before I could even get to the gate I see the following note taped across the pharmacy alarm keypad:


I should mention that the store and the pharmacy are open different sets of hours, and that this keypad is outside the pharmacy, meaning that for 2 hours, members of the general public were walking by a helpful sign letting them know that there was no alarm guarding the room 'o drugs.

How the fuck do these people get out of college?

For a couple minutes I thought about taking him up on his offer to call if there were any problems:

Hello, dipshit? This is the drugmonkey. Just letting you know all the Vicodin is gone. The real problem though, is that you neglected to post a sign saying exactly how much money was in the safe and the combination. Also, next time maybe you could make a banner with my home address and the hours I will be working and not at home. Not to be all negative though. The way you somehow left 20 prescriptions on the counter when we went out of our way to schedule an extra cashier for you was simply unparalleled in the annals of laziness. Should you ever be assigned to work at this store again, please kill yourself instead.

Christ I need a day off.


Anonymous said...

We've been using a lot of agency folk lately at our store. And yes, we have agency guys and agency gals. It's been a mix so far, we have had two really good ones and two absolute nightmares. They seem to be just warm bodies and the techs are running the pharmacy, but when I am dashing from check-out to pick-up window and all points in-between and she is sitting on her lazy ass reading a magazine I really resent the fact that she is making approx 5 times as much money as I am.

Anonymous said...

Our hospital has one agencvy pharmacist. The most he does is IVs (techs are not allowed to) and other odd and end jobs.

I feel for you!

Anonymous said...

I'm an agency gal. Most of the time I do drug development research. I do the relief RPh thing every now and then just to keep my skills fresh. I do my best to enter, fill, verify, counsel, answer the phone, and talk to insurance companies in order to keep everything running smoothly. However, I have been told that I'm about the only relief pharmacist who works so hard. The only time you'll find me sitting down reading a magazine is when I fill in at the pharmacy that does 10 scripts in 9 hours.