Friday, November 10, 2006

The Bizarre Customer Minute.

Not a lot of time tonight, oh fans of the drugnazi, as I'm doin' the 9's all at at 9......I know those in the profession hear what I'm sayin'. Fortunately you don't need a lot of time for a freaky customer. Here goes.

DrugMonkey; on the phone, another line has been ringing for a couple minutes. Couple people at the counter want a piece of me. I'm trying to figure out if what I see on the paper in front of me is an overdose, when I hear, shouted at me mind you:


Special note. I was making eye contact with no one when this volume assault drown out my phone conversation.

My response was based on the initial assumption that the lady was asking a question and not making a statement, although it was impossible to be sure. My best guess was that she was asking whether Aleve was affected by the recent huge acetaminophen recall. At least that was the assumption I went with when I assured her that yes, Aleve. Good.

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