Thursday, November 09, 2006

One More Election Post, Then I'll Get Back To The Wacky Customers, I Promise.

Unapologetic, angry liberals such as myself often get accused of hating America. I'll show you in this post why that couldn't be further from the truth, but I'll need some help.

Meet Keith Ellison. He was elected to Congress last night. Here he is looking rather Congressional.

In January Ellison will become the first Muslim member of the U.S. House of Representatives. You read that right. Ellison ran on a platform of opposition to the war in Iraq, universal health care, environmental protection, and commitment to education. He won the endorsement of the newspaper American Jewish World and the Arab American Leadership PAC. Talk about being a uniter. There is also zero evidence he is a terrorist. Congressman-elect Ellison shows what happens when we value everyone, when the ideas each and every one of us can bring to the table are put in play for the benefit of us all. His election shows us what we can become. I love that country.

What I hate, and when fuels the angry train, is what we have become. Detention without trial, torture camps, ethnic cleansing carried out by our puppet regimes, the party in power thinking the way to stay there is to exploit our differences, using them to create fear and a superiority complex for those currently on top. It's precisely because I love what we could and should be so much that I hate what I see.

Hope that helps explain back to the freaky pharmacy......

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