Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I'm Tired Of Getting Outsmarted By Republicans.

I can't fucking believe this.

After almost 6 years of the dangerous incompetence of president monkey-boy and his party of little bitch-men, it was looking like the American people were about to get their head out of their collective rectum. The polls were giving every indication that there was going to be a can of whoop-ass opened next Tuesday on those blue suit wearing Republican cavemen. Just when it looked like our side might finally win one, they reach into their bag of dirty tricks and pull this out.

I don't care if there are enough voting machines or not, a split election day is bullshit.

Of course the bastards fixed it so Republicans get to vote on Wednesday. That way they'll know the exact turnout figures for all the Democrats that voted on Tuesday, giving them the advantage of being able to work all day long when it's their turn, on Wednesday, to get out their people until they know they have those numbers beat. Maybe they really are smarter. The only good part is that at least I won't have to look at any Republicans when I'm in line to vote, unless they're being told to come back the next day. Maybe I'll hang outside the polling station for awhile on Tuesday and make fun of Republicans who never got the memo that their day to vote is Wednesday.

We've only got one shot. We have to make sure that when it's the Democrats day to vote, on Tuesday, that so goddamn many of us show up that even if every last one of them shows up on the Republican day to vote, Wednesday, it won't be enough. They think they've outsmarted us. Let's not prove them right.

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