Wednesday, November 19, 2008

One Reason Why What You Did On Election Day Was So Important.

From Tuesday's New York Times:

WASHINGTON — A last-minute Bush administration plan to grant sweeping new protections to health care providers who oppose abortion and other procedures on religious or moral grounds has provoked a torrent of objections, including a strenuous protest from the government agency that enforces job discrimination laws.

The proposed rule would prohibit recipients of federal money from discriminating against doctors, nurses and other health care workers who refuse to perform or to assist in the performance of abortions or sterilization procedures because of their “religious beliefs or moral convictions.”

You know what? It's against my religious beliefs and moral convictions to get off my ass and go fill any prescriptions today. Because I am morally and ethically opposed to fat, ugly, people like my customers.

I'm getting off point though. Had you not done what you did on Election Day my friends, this wouldn't have been a last minute rule change.

But three officials from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, including its legal counsel, whom President Bush appointed, said the proposal would overturn 40 years of civil rights law prohibiting job discrimination based on religion.

Had you not done what you did on Election Day my friends, we would not be at a point where President Wanker has lost control of his own political appointees.

Pharmacies said the rule would allow their employees to refuse to fill prescriptions for contraceptives... State officials said the rule could void state laws that require insurance plans to cover contraceptives and require hospitals to offer emergency contraception to rape victims.

Had you not done what you did on Election Day my friends, I may have been stuck working with a Lloyd Duplantis wannabe at some point in the future, whom I would have had to then beaten the shit out of. Thank you, voters of America, for keeping me out of jail.

Because, voters of America, President Obama.....that's right....I said Pres-i-dent O-bama...will undo this regulatory turd, but had you not done what you did on Election Day, this turd would not have been the last gasp of Bush The Lessor. It would have been him passing on the turd baton to a whole new crop of women haters.

I thank you.  Future rape survivors probably thank you as well.


Anonymous said...

Thank you.

Thank you for putting my feelings into words.

As in, every time I read about this lovely little gem of the Bush administration, I regress to a stomping, grunting, lying-on-the-floor screaming two year old, incapable of intelligently voicing my opinion on the matter.

So, thank you.

Anonymous said...

i'm morally opposed to people who overide the advance directives of family members and want me to stick tubes in every possible opening to maintain their "life"...fat chance I would have of keeping my job.

Anonymous said...

There's a link to this article on the post from July regarding "Doing something."

Anonymous said..., like, you want to make it ok for me to get thrown in jail/sued cause I won't help you with your abortion?


DrugMonkey, Master of Pharmacy said...

Anonymous #3,

Maybe not jail depending on whether the patient eventually got the care they needed. Definitely loss of licensure though.

Yes, ripping the licenses out of your self-righteous, attention whorish hands would be a very nice place to start.


stlblues85 said...

I never knew we could go into medicine/pharmacy/health care just to force other people to follow our religious beliefs..... Kinda makes me want to look into that flying spaghetti monster thing and test this new legislation, haha