Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bayer Pharmaceuticals Sends Me A Message That Warms My Stone Cold Heart.

It came in the form of an ad In Drug Topics to mark National Pharmacist's Month. Or National Pharmacists Appreciation Month. Or something. Whatever it was it was in October. The ad made it off my pile of unread mail yesterday:

The text on the right is the usual blah blah blah about pharmacists being the most trusted of professionals, which I don't think we are anymore by the way, the gatekeepers of healthcare...yadda yadda yadda....but then there's the disconnect at the end which you can probably make out:

Thank you, Pharmacists. We couldn't have done it without you.

Um, I don't want to appear ungrateful when presented with such a heartfelt token of your appreciation of me, but I do have to ask, because you don't really say....

You couldn't have done what without me exactly? Slightly changed the formula of Yasmin as it was about to go off patent?

I'm pretty sure you did that without me.

Obtain a couple new indications for your *cough* new oral contraceptive, and then not bother to get the same indications for the slightly different version that was about ready to lose its patent protection?

Again, I wasn't involved, and you totally seem to have pulled it off. 

So I can only conclude, Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, that we either have a major problem with communication here, or you put about as much thought into expressing your, ahem, "appreciation" as goes into those "special gift boxes" of Brut aftershave my employer will sell so many of to the "gotta buy something for the dude I drew in the office gift pool" set this season.

At least with the Brut I could have smelled like a cheap man-whore for a couple hours. I'll think of you Bayer, every time I substitute the Yasmin.  Which I can easily do without you. 


Anonymous said...

Okay generic Yasmin, Ocella is manufactured for Barr by Bayer. I guess Bayer is still making the money off generic Yasmin after all. But of course, patients are claiming they experience so much more side effects from Ocella than from Yasmin. That is until I pulled out both packs of Ocella and Yasmin and showed them how exactly the same they are, even the imprints! If you drop a tablet of Ocella/Yasmin, I can't tell you which one is that.

Stephanie said...

I just found your blog recently, and I have never laughed so hard.

I'm not a pharmacist nor do I work in a pharmacy. But I did. For one summer as a shift manager.

Oh the weirdos that would come in...

Anonymous said...

You let 'em off the hook on Baycol!! More coffee for the Drug Monkey!!

DrugMonkey, Master of Pharmacy said...

Anonymous #2,

I'm pretty sure they pulled off the Baycol fiasco without me as well....

Dragonfly said...

Good on you Drug Monkey.