Thursday, March 06, 2008

Seven Years After I Escaped Its Clutches, The State Of Ohio Continues To Find Ways To Be A Burr Up My Ass.

I guess I'm not really surprised this is the ad credited with sealing the deal for Hillary on Tuesday. It was designed to appeal to the simple, the frightened, and the dim, which of course made it a hit in Texas and Ohio:

November 14th, 2010. 3am. The White House:

Phone: Ring Ring.

Hillary Clinton: Hello?


"William, I've told you never to call me on this line." Not many people know that when Hillary is pissed she calls her husband William.

"Awwww now honnnnneey....don't be sore"

"You know I have a meeting first thing in the morning to discuss the Iranian problem."

"WWHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Oh God.....ugh......"

This is followed by 2 minutes of soft gurgling noises. The phone then goes silent.

Hillary tells herself to go back to sleep, but there is no sleep. She loves him. Despite his flaws he's her world and when she says she's not worried and he can lie in the bed he's made she only reminds herself that she's never been a good liar.

The Iranian problem is discussed the next day, but Hillary's mind is still in that Bourbon Street gutter. The generals decide maybe this isn't the best time. The day after that Los Angeles is destroyed by an Iranian nuclear device. The quality of television programing increases exponentially.

Turns out Bill just had to throw up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Barack got two votes from my husband and me. We live in Cuyahoga County, one of the "dark-blue" counties that Obama won. I think Hillary just won a lot of the freakin' Amish votes.