Thursday, March 06, 2008

A Quick Message To My Friends At Medco.

I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy day to send me the following message in response to my claim on behalf of one of your cardholders:

"1- Tox Dif Goiter No Crisis"

In order to properly express my appreciation though, I would first have to know what the fuck you were trying to say. I was filling a prescription for Flexeril, which unless the subject was covered on one of the days I decided to skip class, to my knowledge has absolutely nothing to do with a goiter. For your convenience, we have staff members at my pharmacy fluent in English, Spanish, Hindi and Tagalog. Please provide any future messages in one of those languages.

Or maybe just keep your mouth shut unless there actually is a crisis.



Christine said...

My drug plan is run through Medco, and I have similarly enlightening conversations with them on an occasional basis. Tell my friends I say hi, and good luck with the lack of goiter crisis.

Anonymous said...

Um, I think the good people of Medco were just trying to inform you that unless your Flexeril had a Toxic goiter, it'd be no crisis. Just a friendly public service announcement. Those folks at Medco are swell.

Anonymous said...

Dear DN,
Have you seen "Fexmid" yet? Generic Flexeril, which we sell at 30 for $4. Fexmid, which is 7.5mg cyclobenzaprine, is 30 for $93.39. That should be considered criminal activity. But try explaining it to the little old lady who has a Rx for Fexmid. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

As far as I know, Fexmid isn't a generic drug at all, since it's the only commercially available 7.5 mg cyclobenzaprine, just another way to capitalize on the popularity of cyclobenzaprine and make people spend extra money ... I don't know any pharmacies in my area that sell it for $4, including the one in which I work.

Anonymous said...

I believe "lucid1" was saying they sell cyclobenzaprine (generic flexeril) for $4 for 30 tablets, and Fexmid for $93.39 for 30 of them. The wording was just a little confusing.

Shalom said...

So why not use the 5mg cyclobenzaprine and have her take one and a half tablets? She could buy a whole slew of pill cutters with the money she'd save. Heck, I'd even cut them in half for her, just to save me from having to stock that stuff at $217 a bottle and see the other 70 tabs outdate on me.

Jenn Siva said...

that looks like it is trying to say thyrotoxicosis differential diagnosis goiter, no crisis at this time.

what is has to do with flexeril, who knows.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll make up my own abbreviations for things, and then when residents ask what they mean, act like they're retarded.

Anonymous said...

this is what happens when Medco outsources thier stuff to forgein countries. I particularly enjoy talking to their help desk in Malaysia or where ever they are. If I hear one more time "contact your softwear vendor" which is outsourced helpdesk for "I've no friggin' idea what you need nor can I help you. You crazy American tech" I'm gonna scream!

Anonymous said...

Soo... when you called for the rejection, what did they say it meant?

Stonegiant said...

I love when they send incomprehensible junk back. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.