Sunday, March 30, 2008

I Don't Like The Service At Gas Stations In The Alternate Universe Very Much

So in my dream my tire went flat, and I was at the gas station waiting for it to get fixed.

You ever get into a philosophical discussion with one of your nerdier friends, usually after ingestion of some alcohol, and your nerdy friend will ask how you know that when you're dreaming that the dream isn't the real world?

I long ago developed an answer. I have some pretty nerdy friends.

It all comes down to the time and place. When you go to bed you'll wake up where you went to sleep. Go to bed on Monday night and you'll wake up on Tuesday morning. When you slip into dreamland though, you can be in elementary school one moment, flying around chasing evil Frankenstein monsters in New Jersey a second later, then the next time you go to sleep be back behind the pharmacy counter. God I hate it when I dream about being at work. Anyway, you get my point. You can pretty much count on where you're gonna be in the world of the awake, and that's how you know it's the real one.

Thing is, during my dream about the gas station, I kept waking up, and when I went back to sleep, the dream would pick up again right where it left off. It took the dipshit at the gas station several tries and forever to fix my tire, and I would wake up and go back to sleepyland several times to see him still working on it. Last night I could pretty much count on where I was gonna be when I was both asleep and awake.

I don't think I need to tell you the implications of this. Obviously last night I stumbled across a portal into an alternate reality. Somehow I had always imagined something like this being more exciting.

I can report though that they have hamburgers in the alternate universe, and that it takes a tow truck forever to show up.

I like this reality better, mostly because in this reality I'm not so damn helpless as to not be able to change my own flat tire.


Romius T. said...

good christ man you better geta pantent on that thing

Anonymous said...

Ever have lucid dreaming? Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of a dream and am able to go back to sleep right away, I continue the dream where it was, but I am able to control what happens. I remember leaning in Psych class, that there are some tools you can get to help make it easier to have lucid dreams. Just imagine, having anything or anyone you ever wanted, all at your beck and call!

Splat and Antisplat said...

No lucid dreaming for me, thanks. I've got Effexor-induced depersonalization. I'm walking around at any given time and *BANG* I'm watching a movie of my life like it's somebody else playing the main character.

Anonymous said...

Wow, neato! I was wondering when the sleep, dreamland thing would get figured out. We spend so much time in it but don't understand it as well as the reality during daytime. Do you think it is something to do with increased amounts of melatonin or lack of serotonin?
I used to think sleep was the basis of stories like Peter Pan, soaring above rooftops and into the sunrise. But, I also used to wake in a cold sweat trying to line up papers due, come up with new topics for research, figure out how to study for exams the next day, and filling out applications even several years after graduation.

Anonymous said...

Drugmonkey! This comment has absolutely nothing to do with gas stations, or dreaming, my apologies.

Just looking to pick your jazz-brain. Don't you love how the internet gives you the opportunity to figure things out in new and unique ways? Ready? So, I'm trying to buy a cd for my friend's birthday. It's of a jazz trumpetist - the reason I'm looking to buy it is because this jazz trumpet player died a year or two ago, and at the time my friend was crushed, and I had to look up the dude (since I listen to country [sorry]) and realized that he died, but had a new cd coming out in the next month. My friend didn't know about this cd, and I filed that info away for his next birthday.

...except I neglected to file the trumpetist's name in my mental file. Oops. Any ideas who this guy was?

Also, three cheers for TaB! I got my local grocer here on the east coast to stock a few six packs all special like for me, whew.

DrugMonkey, Master of Pharmacy said...


Maynard Ferguson?

Just a guess. If I'm right a six pack of TAB would be a proper way to show your appreciation.

Anonymous said...

Drugmonkey, you are a god. Thank you!!! A six pack of TaB is en route to Drugmonkey, Castle of Pills, Monkeyville, CA. With any luck, it will arrive shortly!


Anonymous said...

Oh jeez...I had a work-related dream (yes, the worst kind), about a year ago that would just keep picking up right where it left off every time I woke up. I was filling unit dose trays, but the pills kept falling out through the bottom of the trays, so I had to fill them again, and again, and again...