Thursday, March 20, 2008

Do Suppose Satan And His Buddies Reminisce Every Year On Good Friday?

"What a day. I have never had so much fun as we did that day."

"You said it. I wish we could have broken his legs though."

"Stop with the broken legs already. Two thousand years you've been going on about the broken legs. "

"Crown of thorns? My idea...."

"Yeah we've heard about that a few times too, enough already, Jesus."

"What did you say?"

"Oh, sorry"

An awkward silence then descends over hell's premier after hours club. Everyone takes a drink.

"It was pretty fucking awesome......that weekend ruled!!!!"

"HUZZA!!!" Shout he demons in unison. And glasses come together to toast the memories....


Anonymous said...

they DID break his legs. you really need to flip open your bible now and again. or at least go back to picking-up chicks at church.

DrugMonkey, Master of Pharmacy said..., they didn't.

John 19:33-37:

"But when they came to Jesus and found that he was already dead, they did not break his legs. Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus' side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water. The man who saw it has given testimony, and his testimony is true. He knows that he tells the truth, and he testifies so that you also may believe. These things happened so that the scripture would be fulfilled: "Not one of his bones will be broken,"and, as another scripture says, "They will look on the one they have pierced."

This atheist knew more about the bible than most of the church chicks he was picking up.

I do wonder who you are that you know that though. There's a pretty small circle of people who know I used to go to church to score. A little bigger now I suppose.

Anonymous said...

That weekend ruled until Sunday morning when it became apparent He didn't stay dead. Imagine their surprise? If you are gonna quote scripture, then finish the story...John 20
Now they can spend their eternity bummin' about the fact all their efforts were wasted. It was all part of the plan, Jesus used them all to accomplish the goal.
Sorry Monkey, I know you dont believe, but He died (and rose again) for you too.
Happy Easter.

dt said...

This is my first visit to your site (I followed a link from another "angry pharmacy" blog), and I am disappointed to say that I won't be able to visit any more. You obviously know the Bible and would know that this is VERY offensive to Christians. I realize that this won't change your day in any way whatsoever, but I just needed to say what was on my mind.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, not to start anything, but what the hell does this have to do with Christmas? Also, he has pointed out that he is an Atheist and is making a satirical post. I found it interesting and a bit funny, but what do I know about being a Catholic...I married a Jew!

Anonymous said...

stick to pharmacy, Drug Monkey, it's what you do best!

Christine said...

I'm Christian and I thought it was pretty funny. Chillax kids. They can reminisce about their 3 days of fun even if they lost Sunday morning.

Anonymous said...

I adore you, Drugmonkey.
I may be a mere nurse practitioner - who writes scripts correctly - but I am yours for the asking if I live in your neighborhood, or even visit it briefly.
You make my day.

Madam Z said...

I adore you, too, you cynical little monkeykins! And this post is great. You are not only cynical, but fearless, and I like that a lot. If Christians don't like what you write...they DON'T HAVE TO READ IT!!!