Monday, March 24, 2008

A Clinton Lie Sure Isn't What It Used To Be.

Time was a Clinton wouldn't lie unless they had a good reason, like the threat of impeachment, and then only after they spent 20 minutes trying to wear you down parsing the exact meaning of the word "is"

These days though, ...seems like a Clinton will lie just for the sake of lying. Or maybe to try and make themselves look more presidential when they know they're about to lose a presidential election. Here's Hillary on March 17th:

I certainly do remember that trip to Bosnia, and as Togo said, there was a saying around the White House that if a place was too small, too poor, or too dangerous, the president couldn't go, so send the First Lady. That’s where we went.

She was talking about a trip she made in March, 1996. Except the president went 2 months earlier.

She continues:

I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.

Whatever the motivation, a Clinton definitely used to be much better at lying. At least when Bill said he never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, we (thankfully) didn't have video evidence to the contrary. Here's some video though of Hilary landing to start that Bosnian trip. Notice the lack of running. Notice also the greeting ceremony:

There was a large black man sent along with Hillary, but I have a feeling it wasn't for any protection he could provide:

According to Sinbad, who provided entertainment on the trip along with the singer Sheryl Crow, the "scariest" part was deciding where to eat. As he told Mary Ann Akers of The Post, "I think the only 'red-phone' moment was: 'Do we eat here or at the next place.'" Sinbad questioned the premise behind the Clinton version of events. "What kind of president would say 'Hey man, I can't go 'cause I might get shot so I'm going to send my wife. Oh, and take a guitar player and a comedian with you."

Replying to Sinbad earlier this week, Clinton dismissed him as "a comedian."

...and thereby missed the point. What Sinbad was saying was the fact that he is indeed, a comedian, and that a comedian went along on this trip would work to undermine any tales of how dangerous the trip actually was. So not only can Hillary not remember if she's ever been under sniper fire, she evidently has trouble figuring out the complex subtleties in the thoughts of Sinbad.

You know what kind of person I want answering the White House phone at 3 in the morning? Someone who can remember if they've ever been under sniper fire, and also preferably one who's smart enough to understand Sinbad. That rules out Hillary, and it will soon rule out John McCain, who's so damn old he's probably never heard of Sinbad and will be lucky to even remember what country he's in by November.

That only leaves one guy. Vote Obama. The only candidate who can remember if he's ever been under sniper fire.

Thanks to the reader who left me a tip.


Anonymous said...

I was positive I was gonna vote for Clinton when I first heard she was running, cause honestly I didn't know any other candidates, I was liberal, and had fond memories of Bill Clinton. Since then I've watched almost every debate and really done my research and I don't know how anyone who truly knows what's been going on can vote for Hillary. All the dirty campaigning and then trying her hardest to make other people believe that obama was campaigning dirty, even though he hasn't. Planting questioners at public speakings.

Trying to include states that broke the rules, after the fact, when obama's name wasn't even on the ballot in Michigan. What horse shit.
Go Obama!!!

Anonymous said...

awesome. i made my mark on the home of the master of pharmacy. glad you liked the article.


Anonymous said...

love your summary. am zapping it over to my best-friend-pharmacist-who-loves-clinton right now. you know, the one who works for the company that you single-handedly brought down. ;)


Anonymous said...

i love you.


Anonymous said...

hey anonymous #4, i'll fight you for dibs.

haha jk. i guess.

Anonymous said...

Drug Monkey, I lifted this from MDOD (some ER docs with a great blog as well). I thought you might appreciate it. A picture is DEFINITELY worth a thousand words (photoshopped or not)

Anonymous said...

anonymous @ 10:44 AND anonymous @ 6:33