Saturday, September 02, 2006

You Know, Thanks But No Thanks.

Alternate Post Title: One More Reason Your Prescription Takes So Damn Long To Fill.

Jesus Christ. With people doing me favors like this I have no need to fear one of the ex-girlfriends showing up to put a knife in my brain. From the trade publication Drug Topics:

Washington State pharmacists are wondering if they are expected to be the penmanship police since a new law decrees that prescriptions in cursive handwriting are no longer considered to be legible.

As of June 7, legible Rxs are defined as hand printed, typed, or electronically generated, said Steven Saxe, executive director, Washington State Board of Pharmacy. Even if an Rx written in cursive handwriting is perfectly readable, it is still not considered to be legible, and pharmacists must act accordingly.

Look numbnuts, there are very few things that piss me off more than a Dr. Dumbass who seems to be incapable of communicating in the written form of any of the world's languages despite having a graduate degree, but I'm the one filling the damn prescription, which means whether it's legible or not is up to me. If I know what the doctor wants you to have, it's legible, if I don't, then I call Doctor Dumbass and find out. Do you seriously think you can solve this problem by making me call not only Dr. Dumbass, but every other doctor on the face of the earth to "verify" every single prescription where letters are connected together? Does doing something like this make you feel important in some way? Is there seriously nothing more worthy of your attention going on in Washington state? In other words....... WHAT IN THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING????!!!!!!

Listen to me buttwipes. I can barely keep up with the vast pill craving hoards of barbarians as it is, so you try something like this in my state, and I will defy you. You got that? I will most assuredly and purposefully break any stupid-ass clone of this law you may get the bright idea to waste your and my time on. Then you can take me to jail. Then no prescriptions get filled at all. How you like those apples?



J. Shulke said...

As a Pharmacy Tech here in Clarkston, WA let me just say that I agree. In fact, with my pharmacy being located 4 blocks from the Idaho border, we were also faced with the question "Are cursive prescriptions legal if they are written by an Idaho doctor?" The answer was no... No matter where the script is written, it must be "legible" per state law if it is filled in Washington State. We played the states game for about a week... then we just kinda forgot about it. I've got a couple E.R. docs that practice here who have handwriting that can only be compared to the handwriting of a 2 year old going through a grand mal seizure... That's the script I need to worry about getting clarification on... not something written in cursive.


Anonymous said...

I found your blog tonight and have been laughing myself sick! I am a tech in Tacoma, WA and frankly, we just ignore the damn law, in fact we even got an official letter from corporate telling us "fuck it!" (Although, sadly, not in those words...)