Friday, September 01, 2006

Thank God For The Alert Passer By

It was a busy day. The kind of day when you're happy to have to take a dump because it means you get to sit down for a couple minutes. Those of you in the profession know exactly what I mean.

In the midst of pill-counting chaos though, an eerie kind of quiet settled over the pharmacy. It was kinda nice at first, until I noticed the intern making heaving type motions like a cat about to toss up a hairball, trying to talk and unable to make a sound. Now I hate to touch people, but it was really looking like I was going to have to go over and take a shot at the Heimlich maneuver. At this very moment one of our regular customers walks by, says,

"her face turns as red as her hair"

and continues her shopping trip down the aisle. Part of me now wants to go out and kick the customer in the crotch. Since the customer was a woman, making a crotch kick of little value, I instead turn my attention to the dying intern.

I am happy to report that the intern spat out a piece of drug rep candy, everyone lived, and I had to touch no one.


Anonymous said...

I was going to stop commenting at the last one, but I wanted to even out the archive-exploring, so I decided to finish reading all of September. Last comment. Promise.

So. If I was your intern, I'd probably fake the whole choking on candy bit. Then loss prevention would never have to know, and we could keep our jobs.


Mama Dobble said...

Crotch kicks hurt like hell, female or not.