Saturday, September 02, 2006

Five Years Of Pharmacy School, And These Are The Questions I Am Asked.

Three quick hits of wisdom from today's pill filling fest:

1) "If I bring in a new prescription, can you fill it?"

Yes. Yes we can. That's what we do.

2) "This pad days 8 by 10 and this one says 5 by 8. Why is this one in a smaller box?"

Just please fucking kill me.

3) "I need my cholesterol medicine, the one that starts with an 'L'

"Would that be the Zetia?"

"Yeah, that's it"

For some reason that one didn't bother me. I don't know why.


Anonymous said...

I would enjoy your blog a lot more if it were just filled with excerpts like this one...hilarious. I wish I would have had the forethought to write instances like this down when I worked in retail pharmacy.

DrugMonkey, Master of Pharmacy said...

My little blog garden actually has it's roots in an e-mail I once sent to a friend of mine. I had kept a little notepad next to the computer at work to keep a log of the freaks I dealt with on a typical day, then sent her a little essay called "a typical day in the life of a drugnazi". She thought it was hilarious, and the story has a happy ending, as we went on to have sex on a regular basis for awhile, before she decided she hated my guts.

She's not the happy ending. The blog you're reading now is the happy ending. A blog you evidently aren't enjoying as much as humanly possible. The first sentence of your comment seems to be a wishy-washy way of saying perhaps you don't enjoy reading about how Christian Fascists and Drug Company greed are threats to the country, although since you lack the intestinal fortitude to actually come out and say what you are thinking, we may never know for sure. You would make a fine candidate for public office in our current political system.

Since you and your enjoyment of MY BLOG are my only priorities, I will respond to your spineless critique with 2 actions:

1) I shall immediately refund every cent you paid to access this web page.

2) I promise to never remotely access your computer and direct it's web browser to my blog against your will.

Thanks for writing in.

Anonymous said...

Our most common question is where is the bathroom

Anonymous said...

One of my all-time favorites: "This says take twice a day. Is that a 24-hour day?"

Anonymous said...

Don't forget: 1. Are you open? No, I'm the janitor.

2. Can I just read you what's on the paper so I don't have to wait when I get there? It says "lopraxml" and then there are some symbols.

Sure, let me get right on that.

3. I have to have brand Vicodin because I'm allergic to hydrocodone.

Of course you are, narc-seeker.