Friday, September 29, 2006

Riding A Jet Ski On A Sea Of Your Urine.....

That is an image some marketing wonk toiling away for Big Pharma thinks will make your doctor prescribe their product. I swear I'm not lying to you.

First, the required background. If you're a guy, there's a decent chance that if you live to be old, you won't be able to pee as you'd like. As many as 90% of men between 70 and 90 will develop symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, or BPH. Translated to English, that means your prostate gland will swell, constricting the tube that leads from your bladder through your wiener. When this happens, you can't get all the pee out of your bladder, so you feel like you have to go all the time, even though you can't. I'm sure it sucks, but would it really lead you to respond to images such as this?

The fire hydrant is self-evident I suppose, if a bit tasteless, but what on earth is up with the jet ski? Are they trying to say your pee-hole will be so relaxed that you could pass out a watercraft? Who are these people who think it's fun to ride a jet ski in this type of environment? Has the Tidy Bowl Man come out of retirement and decided he likes riding around in the sewage itself, instead of above it like he used to? First we have the chuckle inducing drug name Flomax, and now this. Lord only knows what's coming next.


Ashleigh said...

Drugnazi, you never cease to amaze me. I work in a retail pharmacy and everything is exactly as you describe.

My pharmacy received an advertising packet for Uroxatral just yesterday. I think you just put my thoughts in writing with this entry.

Chloe said...

You want to see what U can do? Well... U can pee.

I can't help it, pee jokes make me laugh so much. I'm trying to work on it, really-- but I just get so much enjoyment out of them. I'm holding on to a fragment of my childhood... by laughing at pee jokes.

Seriously, this ad is an insult to every old man in the world who can't pee. They're suggesting that old men should take a pill and then rides a jetski in the oceanic flow of their own urine? WHO DESIGNS THESE ADS? God. It's ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Look at the bright side..

at least they're not selling medicine for constipation.

Anonymous said...

*dies laughing* Ohhhh man, my dad has BPH and he'd get such a huge kick out of this. I thought "Flomax" was hilarious, but this takes the frigging cake.