Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Tuesday Morning Mailbag.

Probably the most enjoyable part of running my little blog garden is sifting through the comments of the people who feel moved enough by what I write to contact me. They never fail to entertain, and sometimes they can provide the material for a blog post or two, saving me the trouble of coming up with any ideas of my own. Yesterday a gentleman from Singapore wrote in to ask why I repeatedly refer to George W. Bush as "President Monkey Boy." While I thought the reason would be pretty obvious, the question seemed to be sincere. Maybe they don't have monkeys in Singapore. An honest question deserves an honest answer though, so in the "a picture is worth a thousand words" category, take a look below and see if this doesn't erase any doubts you might have as to where the name came from:

OK, that picture was mean. Monkeys don't deserve that kind of abuse. Here's a side by side comparison. I like to call this one "GET AWAY FROM MY OIL!/GET AWAY FROM MY FOOD SOURCE!"

Oh hell, why not one more. This one looks like he's trying to sing the national anthem or something. Not in Spanish I hope, 'cause President Monkey Boy said singing the national anthem in Spanish was bad.

Man, that was fun. People should write me letters more often.

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