Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Michael Moore Update: Forget What I Wrote Earlier. I Will Marry Him Right Now.

I wrote in my last post about Mike that I was tired of being the insurance industry's little bitch boy.

I'm also tired of liberals being spineless, afraid-to-be impolite-or-offend pansies, of the people on my side getting steamrolled by illiterate demagogues because we think to raise our voice is to cheapen the debate.

I'm tired of liberals being afraid to even call themselves liberals. I'm a liberal. You got a problem with that bitch?

I'm tired of the hatchet jobs that are passed off as news by today's newstainment media. Did you know that if you were actually in the crowd that witnessed the scream that ended Howard Dean's presidential campaign, chances are you didn't hear it? Of course you didn't. Because a soundman for the newstainment industry isolated the feed from Dean's microphone, amplified it, spliced it onto the nightly news feed that goes out to all the sheep, and all the sheep obediently forgot about everything Dean stood for and had a good laugh. Were you one of the sheep?

Ever since that moment I have had a longing to see the producers of one of those hatchet job news pieces get their ass handed to them on a platter.

Click below to see CNN get their ass handed to them on a platter.

Here are CNN's lies Mike promises to post in that video.

We've been quiet too long my friends.


Anonymous said...

It's about time you saw the light. Marriage is about love. That and a totaltarian puritan patriarchal society putting labels on what is an acceptable adult relationship in this country. Domestic partnership that bitch.

Anonymous said...

At least some are fighting newstainment from the inside.

Mother Jones RN said...

I love you, Drugmonkey. Thank you for saying what must be said.

Your Mama Jones

DrugMonkey, Master of Pharmacy said...

Apathetic guy, have a seat..... here, have a little scotch as well. I like you, so I'm gonna give you some of the good stuff, not the distilled turpentine I usually save for company.

You did watch the CNN report that started all this, right? How would you describe the tone of that report? I think most would find it hostile to Moore's work, which is fine, if it weren't also inaccurate.

The dolts at CNN attacked first, and that report could not be allowed to stand. What happens when you're calm and non-confrontational in the face of the right wing smear machine?

Ask Hillary Clinton, who was calm and non-confrontational when hit with the "Harry and Louise" ads during her attempt to head off our current health care mess 14 years ago.

Ask Howard Dean, who was calm and non-confrontational when his scream was isolated, amplified, and sent out all over the country.

Ask John Kerry, who was calm and non-confrontational when hit with the Swift Boat Veterans for Lies.

You do know that most everything those Swift Boat people said that could be checked out turned out to be wrong, don't you? I mean, the newstainment industry was nice enough to mention it once or twice after plastering everything they said over the airwaves for a good couple weeks.

What did Mike hope to accomplish? exactly what he did. Watch the second part of that interview. The second part was not an attack job. Because the CNN dolt knew Mike would hit back if hit. What we got was the interview that SHOULD have happened in the first place, but never would have if Mike had been calm and non-confrontational.

Then we got the return of Dr. Gupta the next day. A different Dr. Gupta. A doctor Gupta a little less smug and arrogant and giving a lot of lip service to the fact that yes, the health care system in the US is fucked up. This Dr. Gupta didn't seem so interested in nit-picking.

Then we got Mike and Dr. Gupta together on Larry King. None of this would have happened if Mike wouldn't have stood up for himself. If Mike remains calm and non-confrontational, what we would have seen on Larry King that night would have been someone from The American Enterprise Institute using the original Gupta report to undermine Moore's credibility, with no Mike anywhere to be found. Ask Hillary how that game works.

You can't not be an asshole when the other side is full of them apathetic guy. When you're hit you have to hit back.

Ask John Kerry. I bet he realizes that now.

--==-- said...

See, this is exactly what I mean. I know YOU think its awesome. But how you view Mike Moore is exactly how conservatives view O'Reilly. It's the scream at them until you get your point across theory. Honestly, Bill couldn't hold Mike's jock intellectually, but using the same style accomplishes nothing. It turns off people like me that don't buy into the us vs. them dichotomy of US politics. I freaking hate politics in the US. It's all screaming and yelling...and screaming and yelling accomplishes nothing other than allowing you to preach to your choir. Then he starts babbling about his view of the Iraq war 3 years ago. Jeeeez. To those without the liberal or conservative shades on, Moore came off as nuts and Blitzer, even though I know he is a dolt, comes off as sober and calm. And I agree mostly with Moore, to boot.

It's so damned frustrating. This and monetary (as in the dollar as a fiat currency) policy are two things that REALLY that need to be thrusted to the forefront to be discussed and solved without bipartisan bullshit getting in the way. Moore was doing so good. Hell, Fox News wrote a positive review for his movie. I really hope a rational discussion about this issue will be created on a national level. I just don't want to see him fuck up what he has going and send everybody back to their respective liberal or conservative caves of thought and nothing get resolved...again.

wetnurse said...

I think I love you, drugmonkey.