Saturday, February 24, 2007

An Update On Perfect Skin Woman.

She was in the store again today, picking up a prescription for her daughter. Her 21 year old daughter. She said not a word to me. Now, I'm not kidding myself. I know the chances of me ever scoring the mother/daughter/drugmonkey trifecta would always have been incredibly small. After the way I blew off this woman last time though, they are now pretty much zero.

The prescription was for Retin-A. She really does have an obsession with perfect skin.


Anonymous said...

In the linked post you write:

"This is what my job has done to me. I give the brushoff to beautiful women in order to meet the expectations of Corporate America. I'm going to go drink a lot of scotch now until I get sick."

Knowing just how true that is, will you change it? Something to ponder in the wee hours.


Anonymous said...

You know DM even if you did score the trifecta, they'd never remain faithful... because you'd have to work even more hours to support the habit-- and then they would move up the food chair to some ER Doc who only works weekends.

Pick up another bottle of Scotch boy-- you're gonna need it!

Romius T. said...

I said a little prayer for you. The mother/daughter combo is the holy grail of all that is holy in the sex game world.

If their is even a small chance that a roofie would work I suggest you think it over.