Saturday, February 17, 2007

Action Pharmacy Picture #2. Brought To You By Eisai® Pharmaceuticals.

Got this one from an ad touting Eisai's "Human Health Care Pharmacist Recognition Award." For some reason I did not win this award:

Pharmacist: Mrs. Johnson. Answer me honestly. Are you ready for this consultation?

Mrs. Johnson: uh, yeah, I guess so.

Pharmacist: Very well then. It begins. I need you to look at this paper Mrs. Johnson. Not at me! The paper! Tell me what it says here.

Mrs. Johnson: The Pharmacy America Trusts.

Pharmacist: Foolish woman! This is not a time for the slogans of commerce! This is a consultation! Above the advertising!

Mrs. Johnson: May cause drowsiness?

Pharmacist: Yes! Exactly! We have achieved a breakthrough. You see now you should not attempt to do anything that requires less than your utmost mental sharpness while you are under the influence of this elixir. You see this!

Mrs Johnson: Do you sell money orders here?

Pharmacist: Focus on the paper Mrs Johnson! For the love of God, focus!! Here it says this sweet syrup may cause dry mouth. I must also tell you a related side effect is urinary retention......... I wet my bed until I was 15 years old. It's true.

Mrs. Johnson: I think I should go now.

Pharmacist: Godspeed to you my lady! God speed as you address this challenge to your very well being.

Mrs. Johnson walks away. The pharmacist stays at the counter weeping softly. Remembering what it was like to wake up in his own urine and a sure beating by his father.

"It wasn't my fault, it was the medicine..........sob...........the medicine........"


Anonymous said...

Very funny!!

I know we will never win that award.

check us out at:

Anonymous said...


You should either revise or delete this post. It's not funny, but I'm sure you meant well.

I give it a 1 out of 10 on the DrugMonkey hilarity scale.

You can do better.

DrugMonkey, Master of Pharmacy said...

I actually think the two comments next to each other here are kinda funny.....