Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A Shocking Discovery Concerning Norm Coleman, Republican Senator From Minnesota.

I could have listened to Al Franken more. In the almost three years he was broadcasting the flagship show on the Air America radio network I did all I could to make sure I never missed a hate e-mail of the day, a 15 second debunk, or an episode of the Oy Yoy Yoy show. But there were times when I would do things. Things like get out of the car to pump gas and not leave the radio on, get the mail without wearing my Walkman, even.....days when I slept through the show and never caught it later on the computer. Now Al has decided to run for the U.S. Senate, and the show is gone forever. I will never have those moments back, and it saddens me.

In looking at the record of the man who now holds that Senate seat however, I have found what could quite possibly be the reason Franken decided he had to run. Norm Coleman is the man Al Franken will be running against, and Norm Coleman has never denied he is a member of Al-Qaeda.

It's true. In going through the public record, I cannot find a single instance where Norm Coleman has said he is not a member of this dastardly organization dedicated to the destruction of Western Civilization and each and every thing held dear by you and your family.

What is Norm Coleman hiding? Why can't he come clean about any possible connection between himself and the attacks of September 11th? On his website, Coleman touts his work "to ease travel to Canada" Would a member of Al-Qaeda want to make it easier to slip back and forth across the border? I think they would, and Norm Coleman has never denied he is a member of Al-Qaeda.

He also wants to raise your taxes.

Call Norm Coleman today at 202-224-5641 and demand he set the record straight about his membership in Al-Qaeda. Don't the people of Minnesota deserve to know of any possible connection between one of their Senators and terrorism? I think they do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a Minnesota pharmacist and avid listener of Al, I feel your pain.
Norm Coleman has been the #1 Bush apologist for his entire term, and it's time he felt the consequences.
Everyone go to and help Al out with a donation !!