Saturday, February 03, 2007

It'll Probably Be Around Half An Hour To Get This Filled For You Ma'am.....

"Well he's in pain"

I know what you mean. Is it that soak through to the marrow, soul numbing, personal pain that comes from being put in a position of never being able to meet anyone's expectations, but never being able to quit, or even stop to rest for 12 hours? Of always being just short of adequate, while 3 phone lines are ringing, your district office is saying you're using too many labor hours and your customers are asking why their prescriptions take so long? Is it that kind of pain? I hate that kind. Sometimes when you're glaring at me from the first aid aisle with that pouty look whileI'mtryingtokeepupwithadoctorcallinginaprescriptionatthespeedoflight and not make any mistakes I imagine my wrists have been slit and I can feel the blood flowing down my arms. it's a nice warm feeling. That's what helps my pain. I don't think that's normal.......

Anyway, your prescription will be out in about 30 minutes.


Stephanie said...

I hope you said all that directly to her face.

Jenn Siva said...

pain, pts and waiting often happens in nursing. 4 pts one close to death and then the other one has a headache so bad they are on the call light constantly and the unit secretary keeps calling and paging you! As you must feel, "I am just one fucking person."

Anonymous said...

Oh, I know that pain too. As a technician, though, we get another sort of pain, where we've done everything we possibly can, but we can't help you with the pile of prescriptions waiting to be verified or the three doctors calling in new scripts or the woman needing to be counseled on a drug interaction. And the customers just glare at us techs like we're absolutely useless.

Romius T. said...

Geez I thought techs were useless. But at least they feel guitly about it.

Drug monkey are you secretly a closet anne rice fan? or do you just belong to one of those creepy live journal rings about vampirism?

Anonymous said...

Some techs are useless, but then some pharmacists are, too. Wait. Let me extrapolate this line of thought: some PEOPLE are useless!

I can't speak for any pharmacies but the ones in which I've been a tech, but I know that in my experience, pharmacists treasure a really good technician.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you're in pain? Really? Is that what this PAINKILLER is for? Maybe you'd like to ask the lady over there with pneumonia and the man with the lacerated face and the senior citizen with bone cancer and the dude with cotton rammed in his mouth keeping the blood in and the woman coughing up her lungs if you can jump the line because you're in PAIN. Get in line, idiot, everyone here feels's a PHARMACY. As a general rule no one comes in just to hang out in the waiting room and bask in my beauty.

Anonymous said...

See, that's exactly what I wanted to say to the guy that came to my ER with a toothache for the 4th time this month, but I just couldn't find the words. Bless you, my wonderful drug dispenser, for making my point for me.

Now if only our clients could read...

Anonymous said...

OMG i so know what that is like when they say "i'm in pain". its like...ok who gaves a fuck there are fifty otehrs in front of u with the same story. u look at the prescritption and its from like 3 days ago. hmm how much pain are they in? ever since i beacme a tech i've become so spiteful...