Sunday, October 22, 2006

If You Are A Doctor That's Ever Written A Prescription For Pexeva, You Are By Definition A Numbnut.

I think we have finally hit bottom.

In the 20 months I've been tending my little blog garden, I've been keeping an eye out for the most pointless, inane, rip-off piece of crap peddled by Big Pharma. There has never been a shortage of contenders, and I can't think of a better way to spend part of my day right now than by going over a few. That's what I do. I'm the Drugnazi.

Niravam- An orally disintegrating form of alprazolam, an anti-anxiety med available for years as Xanax and as a cheap as dirt generic. Not only will Niravam cost you more than 5 times the price of generic alprazolam, but alprazolam tablets are among the smallest you're gonna find, making the benefit of an orally disintegrating version a little dubious. But hey, I suppose there might be one or two people out there a bit too retarded to swallow a tablet the size of a grain of rice. (Price comparison from

Bidil- A combination of isosorbide dinitrate and hydralazine, two meds that have been on the market for years and are also cheap as dirt. Bidil combines the two old meds into one tablet, then markets itself to African Americans as a race specific remedy for heart failure. Of course there's no reason you can't prescribe the two drugs separately and save money, but hey, maybe it is easier for people to just swallow one tablet, and at least there is research to support the claim this combination of meds is more effective for black folks.

Moving up a level on the rip off scale we have:

Sarafem- The exact same fucking thing as Prozac. But hey, at least it comes in a different box so someone snooping in your medicine cabinet will just see that you're PMSing, not crazy.

Proquin XR- A pointless version of extended release ciprofloxacin, an antibiotic. But hey, the labeling says to take it with food, so they can claim it causes less stomach upset when taken as directed than the other extended release version of ciprofloxacin on the market, Cipro XR.

There's no way it can get worse than the med you are about to meet though, unless Big Pharma starts to make products that are actually less effective and more expensive than what they're designed to replace. Crap. Probably just gave them an idea. Anyway..... drum roll please.............

Introducing Pexeva. Brand name for paroxetine mesylate.

Paroxetine is already sold under the brand name Paxil. Paxil lost it's patent a few years back, prompting GlaxoSmithKline to introduce Paxil CR, itself a contender for most useless piece of drug crap ever. Pexeva though, is not a continuous release version of paroxetine. It doesn't come in a different package telling you it's for a different indication. It's not orally disintegrating. The maker of Pexeva, JDS Pharmaceuticals, has made it just different enough from Paxil (it is a different salt form, mesylate vs. HCl) that it isn't substitutable. Then they don't even respect your intelligence enough to try and bullshit you into thinking that makes any difference whatsoever in the two meds. They just want you to buy Pexeva, and pay 69% more for it than you would for generic paroxitine, (Price comparison from Consumer Reports)

Which leads to the question, why would any doctor ever write a prescription for Pexeva?

Because they're a dumbass, that's why. And if a Pexeva prescription is ever handed to you, tell your doctor I said so.


Anonymous said...

"Which leads to the question, why would any doctor ever write a prescription for Pexeva?"

Because the beautiful, young, busty drug rep wearing a low-cut top and short skirt will tell the doctor Pevexa is the best thing ever.

Anonymous said...

"Because the beautiful, young, busty drug rep wearing a low-cut top and short skirt will tell the doctor Pevexa is the best thing ever."

If she came to my pharmacy and took me out down dinner and then gave me a rub down under the counter like she does for the physicians' perhaps we would call up the doctors and start getting Rxs switched over to Pexeva!

But, she is not going to come over, she never will, perhaps I will get her business card in the mail, or a PharmAlert from her company, but that is as close as we will ever come.

For the time being, I will just put the damn pills in a bag and ring 'em out. I just thank my lucky stars that I don't have a drive thru becase I dont think I could take it if I had to give them Lipitor and Lisinopril while the XXL fries, XXL Burger with EXTRA bacon and a Diet coke sitting next to them. At least in my pharmacy they have to get off their ass to walk up to the counter (although most of them never come in because they just go to Big Pharma with Drive thru down the street because it is "easier").

Take care, and keep the great stories coming!

Anonymous said...

And I thought that CR stood for continued revenue................

Anonymous said...

You forgot that Sarafem came in such a pretty shade of pink!!!

May I submit a few more for your consideration.......

Biaxin XL
Xanax XR
Augmentin XR
Prozac Weekly
Advicor (again combining 2 cheaper drugs for one spendy one)

These are but a few that I have called Dr's on to let them know that their pt (or their insuramce company) wants the MUCH less expensive version...

LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog.....
I think it qualifies as therapy for all of those working in pharmacy!

Anonymous said...

And let's not forget the evil trickiness of Tricor.... changing the strength right as it goes generic...

Stephanie said...

haha abbott sent me a letter about generic biaxin xl that I finally got around to posting on my blog. Basically they're money grubbing bastards.

Anonymous said...

I actually called up a doc to ask if they really truly wanted pexeva. The script read "paroxetine mesylate". They said "Whatever, we just picked the first one that popped up" (in the computerzied Rx writer). So Dr. Dumbass is out there. Oh yes, children, he is.

Stephanie said...

I'm sure there's more than one Dr. Dumbass. I get to go see my dumbass doctor tomorrow to get antibiotics that I should be able to prescribe myself.

J. Shulke said...

This is just one of many reasons that yesterday, I hung up my smock for the last time. But, most of the reason, too many scumbags sucking down too many narcotics, and my taxpayer dollars paying for it, so that they can walk out to the corner and sell the pills for 5 bucks a pop, and make more money in a day than I do in a week. I couldn't watch it anymore, and I got tired of feeling like a middleman to a drug dealer. And I'm not talking about the folks who broke their arm who need a pain pill... I'm talking about people talking on their cell phone letting the other person know that they got the drugs and they're on their way as they stand at my counter, with their state aid coupon in the other hand... I'm going to find someplace else to use my knowledge. The only place I would ever think about working anymore, would be hospital pharmacy... but I don't think that will wind up happening. Of course, retail might be fun with the right phamacist to work with... got any openings for a tech Drugnazi? LOL

Anonymous said...

There is even a bigger rip off, which i dont think is available anymore. is was PRAIGARD, which was nothing but a pretty packaged brand name that cost an arm and a leg which consisted of nothing but pravastatin combined with a lousy fuckin 81mg aspirin!!!!

--==-- said...

Xopenex, dude....

Anonymous said...

Oh, Don't forget the Bisphosphonates and Rozerem, and most of the drugs in the DTC ads. If you really need it, why would big PHARMA advertise it? Ever see an ad (DTC) for Insulin?...didn't think so

Anonymous said...

I am a drug rep that came upon your site. I appreciate the different point of view here. I did not "drink the kool aid" my company touts even though Big Pharma pays my mortgage. I am disgusted by the amount of pexeva written in my area. The rep is a slutty blond that made a bunch of psychs speakers and now they all swear mesylate is so much better than HCl. I was a biochem undergrad who ended up in Big Pharma, I actually thought I was going to sell science, but its the blond with boobs that gets the business.

Anonymous said...

I was just written a script for Pexava...I've issues with anxiety plain and simple...what to do? I live overseas and come home for medical check ups, etc...I know the pharmaceutical companies are "big business"...but what to do with my issues...I have a hard time going in public without having a panic attack or sweating profusely (most of which issues are hidden as I live a socially obligated lifestyle)...have seen counselor...meds help...but I can't help but think I'm being messed up even more by the meds...what to do...I just want to live the normal life...