Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I Want To Marry MoveOn.Org, Have All Their Babies, And Tell John McCain He Can't Have Them.

This is the kind of shit I want to see on every goddamn TV in this country between now and November:

My God so many reasons this commercial makes my political dick hard. Finally, the end of my side practicing the politics of pansiness. Finally, the pro-life party that started the festival of death gets its shit called.

And we don't do it in the dirty, lying, Swift Boat type of way. We don't have to. There is no need to lie or slander. All we have to do is take what they do and shove it down their throats.

Look Alex's mother in the eye John McCain. Do it enough times and maybe you'll stop treating life and death like it's some type of joke:

Did I miss something? Should I have made up some sort of soundtrack to the thought of the North Vietnamese beating the living piss out of you when you were a POW? Because you know John, the first time I heard that story, about what they did to you, I didn't think it was funny at all. I really don't get the whole war as a joke thing.

Maybe we're just different, you and me. I'm OK with that. I'm totally OK with being nothing like you.

Good luck Alex.


Unknown said...

If we're gonna talk about little "Alex" there, it's probably worth noting that one of McCain's sons is a Marine and has served in Iraq. So, even though I disagree with his position on the war in Iraq, at least I know he has some skin in the game, so to speak.

Mother Jones RN said...

Great post. I love you Drugmonkey. I hope that all of your MoveOn.org babies turn out just like you:-)


Anonymous said...

Yeah..I guess all the troops that are still in Bosnia should come home, too.

DrugMonkey, Master of Pharmacy said...


Absolutely. Because the situations in Iraq and Bosnia are exactly the same.....

You can't out-sarcasm me. it is useless to even try.

Anonymous said...

I love you DrugMonkey!

And you, MJ!

I want to, but I just can't even come up a clever reply to the McCain lovers. It's just all that damn flip-flopping.....gives me vertigo.

I'm voting for the black guy.

Anonymous said...

There are far better things we can spend billions and billions of dollars on than running around in the middle east pissing off the Muslim world.