Saturday, December 06, 2008

I've Decided What I Want For Christmas.

I don't shop anywhere near where I work. I never have. I've split my career between the ghetto and the bastions of some of the world's most affluent people and I don't like to hang around either place for any longer than I have to. A guy's gotta eat though, and when that guy's too lazy and organizationally inept to pack his own food, that means he gets to spend his lunch time blending in with what passes for the elite in our society. Getting mistaken for one of them when all I want is a sandwich or something.

I also get to see the interaction of classes in our society. As even the most snobby of snobby shopping centers cannot function without hiring people to take care of the garbage, fix the potholes in the parking lot, paint the wall across from Macy's. Of course when I say "interaction of classes in our society" what I mean is the total lack thereof, as the janitors, the maintenance people, and the painters have all been trained to be nearly invisible so as to not disturb the people with the money. I see one woman almost every day with a broom and a dustpan walking the grounds, sweeping up cigarette butts and other little bits of miscellaneous trash. She's a little part of my life almost every working day, and she's almost as good at averting her eyes from the customers as she is at keeping the grounds butt-free. Just once I'd like to give her a little smile and a hello, but short of tackling her I don't think it's gonna happen. She's been trained to be invisible. The only hellos I ever get are from the affluent assholes. 

For Christmas I would like that woman to not expect to be invisible. I'd like to look her in the eye and smile and say hi, like you would think would happen between any two people in a civilized society. To mark the holiday, I want her to not turn her head. To not feel as if that's what's expected of her.  That's pretty much the whole of my list this year. I'm not into tackling anyone though, so I'll settle for her having a good holiday in whatever world it's acceptable for her to be seen.

I guess you should have a good holiday too. 



Anonymous said...

Yeah, I always try to talk to the people you're talking to, learn their names, and say hi when I see them and thx for whatever it is they are doing

Anonymous said...

that's one of the most beautiful christmas wishes i've ever seen anyone make. coming home from a horrible last hour at the pharmacy i found this. you've at least made me smile.

Anonymous said...

Well...I don't know about that. There are SOME folks, like myself, that don't want the eye contact, and certainly not a friendly "hello".
Heck, when I DO go to town, which is like twice a month, I wear a huge hat that covers my eyes so no one CAN make eye contact with me. Also, being on the EXTREME runty side, I try to always stand sidewises, hoping people will just see through me.
Can you guess my profession?
I am a Pharmer.

Megan said...

Nice wish, it's the same sort of thing that I try to incorporate into my day. I like all of my interactions to have some sort of meaning, it makes our world a little nicer.