Sunday, December 07, 2008

I Feel As If I Haven't Been Doing My Part In The Hunt For Osama Bin Laden

I mean, there's a storage unit right next door to my condo, and I haven't checked it one time since the attacks of 9/11. I have also failed to look in the wooded area between my condo complex and the highway. 

I'm almost afraid to go look now because it would be really embarrassing if he were there. 

"Drugmonkey, you idiot, Osama Bin Laden is holed up in the tribal areas of Pakistan, and is nowhere near your little rathole condo" some of you may be saying. To which I would reply; "If you know so much about where Osama Bin Laden is, why haven't YOU found him?" It's been seven years, so obviously it's time for a little outside the box thinking here. 

Back to my point though. I'm afraid this whole Osama Bin Laden fiasco may be as much my fault as George Bush's. I'm going to go check out that storage unit as soon as I sober up. I don't think one should risk an encounter with Osama Bin Laden when even the slightest bit intoxicated. 


Unknown said...

Really? 'Cause I've been saying for years he's selling t-shirts in Florida. I mean I'm sure its a rough hide out spot, what with the agitated old folks who want to haggle down the price on the George W Bush t-shirts, and that pesky sunny weather...

pacalaga said...

It's long been my theory that Osama has been hiding in plain sight in Palm Springs.

Anonymous said...

Drug Monkey you let the grasshoppers out of the bag when mentioning that personal reference to alcohol intoxication might be linked to several previous political outcomes and there might less now that I delivered the tipping point with my one vote... .

Everywhere I worked last week, people were being admitted for alcoholic hepatitis.

Long time ago there were photos of an emaciated bin Laden associated with statements about renal dialysis. Chances are if he is still alive he got hepatitis from the dialyzer as well.

As a proxy older maternal figure, please, lay off the booze, and get involved with something more deserving of your talents.

Anonymous said...

You were supposed to feature this when Obama won. said...

sigh . . . everybody knows bin Laden is hiding out in some "town" in the Appalachians in eastern Kentucky, chewing tobacco and sitting on the porch with an old hound dawg.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the FBI will be recruiting you anytime soon.