Sunday, November 04, 2007

Exubera. We Hardly Knew Ye.

From those money-lovin' folks at (Semi-related side note: I once remember seeing Steve Forbes, publisher of Forbes magazine, 2-time presidential candidate, and gazbillionare, host Saturday Night Live........ "Ladies and Gentlemen" he said as he introduced that week's musical guest, "Rage Against The Machine!!!!" I almost shot scotch through my nose.)

Pfizer announced it's cleaning its system of the disappointing inhaled diabetes drug Exubera, giving Wall Street hope the world's largest pharmaceutical company is getting its act together.

The drug-maker’s weakness stems from Exubera, a drug that has disappointed everyone but Pfizer's competitors (See "Pfizer's Latest Hit"). In October, Pfizer announced it was ending production of the inhaled insulin, and taking a $2.8 billion charge.

Hmmmm.....for some reason Exubera just never seemed to catch on.

Who could have known? Um, me. I called this over a year ago, and I remember interviewing Pfizer CEO Jeffrey B. Kindler at the time and asking what the hell he was thinking*:

"We really think the porn star experience adds an exciting new dimension to diabetes treatment." said Kindler. "We all know that erectile dysfunction is a common complication of diabetes, and our focus groups tell us that many diabetics feel that simulated oral sex with a plastic tube is a great way to get back some of those intimate feelings that have been missing from their lives due to this cruel disease."

"Did you really do focus groups?" I asked.

"No, we didn't. But our accounting intern said that making people think about having a hairy penis in their mouth might be a good way to get them to stick to their diets. We went with that thought."

"You're insane"

"Insane like a fox Drugmonkey" said Kindler. Then he started laughing hysterically and threw me out of his office.

So I guess the failure of an erotisized version of an injectable drug means the project to develop Viagra shots will be put on hold**. Goodbye Exubera. Thanks for the memories, the laughs, and the chubby MILF semi-porn. My world feels a bit emptier already.

But not my pharmacy shelves. I never bothered to order one.

*this interview actually took place in an alternate fake world.

**the injectable Viagra project exists only in my imagination.


Anonymous said...

I am so saving one of the practice devices, hoping that someone I know can turn it into a usable bong. I don't think it can be all that difficult.

Anonymous said...

i think you may be running out of creative ideas, DM. you already used this title in your nuprin blog. i remember because it was one of my favorites.

you might be losing your touch, ol chap. or you might be drinking too much scotch. or both.

Jenn Siva said...

God, I didnt even know this existed. This sounds so stupid. I mean think about albuterol and a spacer... people still get most of it in their mouths. It is really hard to consistenly and properly use an inhaled product for the general public. Then you take something that has such specific and exacting dosing needs like insulin and you make that inhaled. That is just plain dumb.

There has to be some consideration for the human element in these drugs.

Jaded Pharmacist said...

Despite working at a 500rx/day pharmacy, I only saw 2 people hand in Exubera prescriptions. The first one went back to the Flexpens within a month; the other got stuck in Prior Auth land with her insurance.

I too thought this was a dismal product, and am not shedding a tear to see it go.

Season said...

I misread the Viagra comment as Viagra shots, like a drink.

Imagine that at a bar! It's 2 AM, last call for drinks and shots of Viagra.

We had a guy go through a box of Caverject every 23 days at my last pharmacy. The box was a 30 day supply, but he came in on the earliest day it could be filled.

Anonymous said...

I was autoshipped this garbage. Sat on my shelf for a year. Returned it as it was soon expiring. Then I got two patients on it and ordered enough for a few refills. Now it is gone. Goddamn me for trying to be conscientious.

DrugMonkey, Master of Pharmacy said...

I'm sorry you feel as if I am losing my touch. I will immediately refund every cent you've paid to access this blog.

Thanks for sharing.

LD50 Rat said...

Pfizer is a marketing tard. How many diabetics have almost perfect lung function? My GP said he had exactly 1 patient (his clinic is crawling with patients) that could MAYBE use Exubera. You still needed to use other medications for controlling the diabetes.

Hell, even my diabetic friends wouldn't consider using it.

LD/50 Rat

Jessica said...

I'm actually diabetic. I should get one of these while I still can and get creative with it. What a joke.