Monday, September 17, 2007

A Ranting, Right Wing Lunatic Shows Up, And Provides Us All With A Teachable Moment.

Frothing at the mouth conservative crazies aren't like us. They may look like us, they may have opposable thumbs that allow them to use tools and rudimentary language skills that allow them to communicate basic wants, but take my word, they are not human. In an ideal society they would be segregated into separate but unequal facilities far away from the civilization they are trying to destroy, but unfortunately they are running the country at the moment, which means they have to be dealt with.

"But Drugmonkey" I can hear you saying. "I don't like being around them. They're loud, they're weird, they scream a lot and every time I try to go to the bathroom they're waving their hands under the stall at me."

I feel your pain. I didn't write my last post about San Francisco providing the leadership Washington won't to cover it's uninsured with the intention of creating conservative crazy bait, but I really shouldn't be surprised it lured in a few. Two of the best ways to catch a conservative crazy are to use immigration or the idea of government doing anything other than killing people, or for the more moderate, beating their heads in. I did both in that post, and sure enough, here's what I found in my mailbox this morning:

Why do we let sick, useless people into our country anyways? I recall something about, back when our country was great, we didnt just let anyone in. You couldn't be physicaly ill, mentaly ill, you had to have skills, a means to support yourself in your freedom to pursue happiness and you had to learn to speak ENGLISH quickly.

Most of us, however, would remember this from a time "when our country was great." It's carved on a little something called The Statue of Liberty:

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

That is our first lesson about conservative crazies. They have language cognition problems that cause them to see things like "wretched refuse of your teeming shore" and hear "physically and mentally perfect people.....with skills"

You can also count the misspellings and missing apostrophes in the crazy quote and know that this person is committed to learning ENGLISH quickly and well. Knowing the conservative crazy's difficulty with language is key to learning how to deal with them.

Conservative crazies will also have a habit of refuting arguments you didn't make. For example:

I love social Marxists! Everytime these things fail disasterously (Cuba, USSR, Nazi Germany, Venezuela) where socialism is tried, some liberal apologist comes along and says they just didn't do enough.

Wow. Now I'm on the same side as Hitler, Stalin, Fidel, and Hugo Chavez. I must be some sort of genocidal power-mad maniac.

Except all I said was that I want to live in a society where people who are sick can get appropriate medical treatment without bankrupting themselves. Interesting how my conservative crazy didn't mention failed states that have tried to do this, like the UK, France, Germany, all of Scandinavia, Japan, or Canada. Maybe because they didn't fail.

Hypocrisy is also a staple of conservative crazies:

I work for what I have and I'm the only one rresponsible for my health and well being. No one should be entitled to the earnings of another. A BIG dose of self-resonsibillity is what most people need desperately in this country, NOT socialized healthcare

I kept waiting for the part where this person would say that therefore they were going to burn their Medicare card the day it showed up in their mailbox and continue to buy private, non-socialized medical insurance. But that part never came. Conservative crazies are very committed to their ideals. Just not committed enough to take action that would affect their own lives. Kinda like the young Republicans who support the troops by never becoming one.

I will also point out the crazy's commitment to proper ENGLISH is on display here as well. Or maybe the word "responsible" isn't really in the ENGLISH language.

Now if you remain calm while faced with a conservative crazy shoutfest, more often than not the hypocrisy will reach a comic level. Our friend did not fail to disappoint:

btw I have family that immigrated here from Cuba.

So, the same person who presumably will protest socialized medicine by becoming part of a socialized medical system has family roots in Cuba. This same person who thinks immigrants need to be physically fit and mentally healthy, should have skills and learn ENGLISH is from Cuba. Do you know what would happen to someone from Cuba who had leprosy, paranoid schizophrenia, never worked a day in their life, who set foot on American soil and said: "Hi, I'm never going to have a job and I'm never going to learn ENGLISH" Do you know what would happen to that person?

They would immediately be given permanent residency. The conservative crazy thought he could advance his argument that "not just anyone should be let in" by pointing out he has family from a country where all you have to do is show up to be let in.

These are the people running our country my friends. What are you going to do about it?


PharmacySlave said...

I absolutely love your webblog.

Take a look at mine and tell me what you think. Im a pharmacy tech and figured I should give it a shot.

Jenn Siva said...

Hang my head and cry, right after renewing my commitment with myself to always live in the "land of fruits and nuts" we call the bay area.

But my mom did say to me today that she has been lying to me about voting democrat and she actually votes republican because she doesnt want the degenerate in our society to get her money.

Did I say this was the same person who helped me apply for SSI when I was so depressed I couldnt stand up?

And the husband? Ouch... I need to go buy some granola and live in a tree as therapy.

ABC said...

As a current pharmacy student, it has become blatantly apparent over the past few years that a good majority of pharmacists are conservatives, at least in the fiscal sense (which is a gutless position, if you ask me). This seems to differ with the majority of physicians, who seem to be more liberal. Do you find this is the case in the profession?

Anonymous said...

Words fail me. You are brilliant. This should go on your highlights sidebar.

Oh, and it should be printed on sandpaper and crammed up the ass of every social conservative in this country, too.

But I'll settle for a link on your sidebar.

kario said...

I'm crying here, too. Those who think that a dose of 'personal responsibility' is all less fortunate people need ought to read Barbara Ehrenreich's book in which she tried desperately to live on minimum wage in the US. Impossible!

Anonymous said...

I would consider myself a conservative. However, I am really more of a moral conservative than an economic or social conservative. I think that the thing San Francisco is doing sounds great. People should be able to get the treatment that they need to keep from being seriously ill. I do think that people who come to this country should at least make an effort to learn enough english to function. The reason I have for that is that they might not always be able to get the healthcare information they need from someone who can speak their native language. I do plan on trying to learn enough spanish to be able to help my patients when I become a pharmacist. Anyway, fight on Drugmonkey. We should fight for what we believe.

Anne said...

People sometimes joke about California seceding from the Union...I think San Francisco should secede from everybody. Think about'd be like Norway or Denmark, only with better weather and fewer seasonal affective disorder-related suicides. Also fewer 6 foot tall, blonde, Nordic models...but hey. Drugmonkey, you are the. best. ever. Long live the revolution!

Bean said...

You nailed this one.
God bless Scotch, the U.S. of A., and wry social-political commentary at the end of a long ass day...

Anonymous said...

Can I just say this is Brilliant!? As a soon to be pharmacist, I know so many people who read and agree with you!