Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Drugmonkey Sells Out

I shit you not my friends. Yours truly has been hard at work on a project that will actually pay me for words I write. I don't want to jinx things until I have an actual check in my hand, so you'll have to wait to hear all the details. I will say, however, that this is bad news for all you freeloaders who have refused to compensate me one bit for everything I have given you over the years. People who give me money get my time before people who don't. I can be very Republican about things like this.

The good news is that the possibility of a bidding war is still open to you. For the right price, I will happily write a blog for your eyes only. And it will be kick-ass. For the right price.

You know where to reach me.


Anonymous said...

Wait....selling uot the blog?! wtf! I thought you were talking about selling out your pharmacy to a already work for one. Well, just realize that we can always read the angry pharmacist, and his copyright-infringing cohort, the angriest. Hope you took that into account.

And what does that mean, "my schemes to escape the profession"? What?! You make five times what I make as a tech. Escape, my ass. You really wanna escape? Stop spending your bonus on gin and start a retirement fund.

Anonymous said... again.

I have to hand it to you though, I hate Lloyd Duplantis of Gray, Louisiana, just as much as you. If you want to kidnap him and have him OD on ortho-cyclen, then I'm game. ^_^

Anonymous said...

I kinda wondered when it was going to happen. It seems like every blog I read eventually goes pro (gets a book deal, usually) and it was your turn. I was just thinking the other day that you're too talented to do this for free.

At least we can say we knew you when. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Now, I have a feeling the right cheerleading outfit might just get me some of that *for your eyes only* business.

Mother Jones RN said...

So, you're selling out? Tsk-tsk. I'm too too old and wrinkled to put on a cheerleading outfit for "your eyes only," and I'm too broke to pay you to write just for me. I guess this means goodbye unless you can get me a gig with your new employer. It's up to you to do the right thing.
Seriously, I have my figures crossed for you. You are a very gifted writer.

Jenn Siva said...

Do this for my eyes only blog include nude pics? I could see paying well for something like that...:)

Anonymous said...

As a sometimes writer I am ecstatic you 'made-it', but as a pharmacist I'm stunned to think I may have to get through a 12 hour day at the Oxycontin mill without my drugnazi fix. Bummer. Thanks for all the great times. (Maybe you can do this as a charitable contribution for pharmacist's sanity everywhere.)
I'm anxiously awaiting the book.

Lucid1 in Knoxville

Anonymous said...

Have you ever considered that you are such a popular blog writer because you are free? No offense, but as much as your stuff makes me laugh, I wouldn't pay to read it.

Best Regards,
