Monday, July 24, 2006

Venereal Disease, One Of The Little Known Dangers Of Sleeping In

At least according to one of my customers, who couldn't understand why he felt just fine, but was nonetheless at my counter with an antibiotic prescription for himself and his rather upset girlfriend.

"We had sex" starts off his defense. "but then she slept for 3 days and didn't take a shower or nothin, all that time with me inside her, that was probably what made the infection don't you think?"

There's not enough money in the world to do this job sometimes.

"Did you talk this over with your doctor when he wrote the prescription?" I ask.

"Yeah, he told me no, but I'm pretty sure that's what happened. Don'tcha think?"

This is the customer type I call the "validation-seeker" They know exactly what is going on with their body and are simply looking for someone with a white coat to recognize the scope of their vast health care knowledge, acquired without all the time consuming years of college, book reading, or in some cases, even bothering to do a google search. This man was an extreme example, but most pharmacists will deal with a validation seeker at least once a day.

I kindly explained to the nice customer that neither length of sleep or frequency of showering will have any effect on acquiring this particular type of infection. The happy couple, an unconvinced man and an increasingly angry woman, then left the store, probably to seek a third opinion from their hairdresser.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yet another example of why I can never work retail. I'd just gape until they complained to the manager.