Thursday, July 27, 2006

A Tribute To Whoo Guy

If you saw the movie Walk The Line, you'll remember the scene of Johnny Cash's concert inside Folsom prison. You may or may not know that that concert actually happened, was recorded live and is available from your favorite music retailer. It was one of my favorite albums back when the hipster doofuses that worship him today thought a Johnny Cash was some sort of coupon book that you got at the grocery store. If you don't have a copy you should buy one now. When you do, you'll hear after Cash sings on the first track that he "shot a man in Reno just to watch him die" one of the audience members (inmates) lets out a very distinctive, and very loud, WHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! The line affected this man on a very deep, personal, level, and it shows.

I often wonder what happened to whoo guy. I'd like to think that after his release from Folsom, he formed a country and western band and spent many happy years touring off the beaten path waystations with a unique musical art that while it never made him rich, satisfied his creative soul and inspired others to express themselves using their artistic gifts.

More than likely though whoo guy took a shank in some vital organ and died. He was definitely happy during his whoo moment though, and I guess that's what the concert was all about.

I wonder if I'll leave this post on the blog tomorrow when I'm sober. Probably not, so you should enjoy it while you can.

Update: Though the wonder of internet magic, you can listen to whoo guy yourself. Click here to share this magical moment in music history.


DrugMonkey, Master of Pharmacy said...

oh man....did you go around telling other kids there was no Santa Claus when you were little? I refuse to believe there was no whoo guy. There has to be a whoo guy.....has to be......

Anonymous said...

My favorite line from that movie was "insufficient fundulation" .. I think it was like.. the hippie roommate talking about the phone line being disconnected. I haven't seen the movie in a while though. I just like the word fundulation.... Sounds like undulation..... you'll get the joke in about a week.