Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Hate Mail!! Awesome!!!

Nothing makes me happier than pissing off Republicans. That is why I was so excited to get back from vacation and find a comment from someone calling themselves "GOP PharmD" in my mailbox. Knowing that one only gets attacked when one is being effective, and figuring someone calling themselves "GOP PharmD" wouldn't be writing me a love letter, it was with eager anticipation I opened the message and found this:

Is this all you liberals have to do now? It amazes me how f***ing stupid you liberals are. If you only knew the whole story, you would have seen that this was a planned search as he entered the U.S. You liberals bitch about the rights of terrorists but have no respect for the rights of American citizens...get a life!!!

I would remind you again that the person who wrote those words claims to have a Doctor of Pharmacy degree.

Man. Talk about having the air let out of my balloon. The first guy/gal who wants a piece of me and they can only regurgitate what Rush himself says on his show. Maybe they think I don't own a radio. Oh well, dealt a lemon, I shall proceed to make lemonade. Here we go. Key points:

1) No denial that Limbaugh did what he is being accused of.

2) However much my comments on Limbaugh may be a reflection of a less than ideal life, I would point out that GOP PharmD took time out of their life not only to read, but to respond to them.

3) Here's a favorite of mine that is ideal for this situation. I call it the Hillary/Michael Moore test. Here's how it works. Whenever some fire breathing Cro-Magnon Conservative tells me how our wanker in chief needs to collect our phone records, our financial records, out CIA agents, and tap into our Internet activity because it's necessary for the president to do his job, I just say "So you'll be telling me the same thing if Hillary Clinton takes office in 2009, right?" They usually get kind of quiet after that. Just like GOP PharmD will when I ask him what would he think if Michael Moore had been busted with the Viagra and not the alternatingly fat and thin right wing gasbag.

4) And now for the coup de grâce.....

You liberals bitch about the rights of terrorists but have no respect for the rights of American citizens

Really? Cause you know what? When Rush got his alternatingly fat/thin ass in trouble for being a narcotic addict there was an organization that pointed out that his medical records were released improperly during the investigation, and sued in court to protect his privacy rights. Who was this group? One of those right wing legal foundations that hounded Bill Clinton for 8 years?


The Heritage foundation or one of those other conservative think tanks?


Perhaps someone with a business interest in Limbaugh? A media company that syndicates his show?


It was the ACLU. Of which I am a card carrying member, and I think they did the right thing.

But since us liberals only care about the rights of terrorists, and liberals are defending Rush, you must think Rush is a terrorist. The fact that you listen to a terrorist radio program means you really must hate America. Why don't you just leave if you hate it so much? Or at least have the decency to turn yourself in to the FBI.

You see my stupid little friend, when we PROVE terrorists are terrorists before we drop them off the top of the skyscraper that will soon stand where the World Trade Center was......when we PROVE Rush Limbaugh is a junkie the proper way, respecting his legal right to medical privacy before we send him off to jail where he says all drug offenders belong....THAT'S WHAT MAKES US BETTER THAN THE BARBARIANS WE ARE FIGHTING. We didn't defeat Hitler by becoming fascists, we didn't win the cold war by setting up gulags to control our citizens. We have forgotten it was the power of our ideas that carried the day in those struggles, and that's why Bush is losing his self-declared "war on terror"

So in conclusion:

1) Go to hell.

2) If before you get there anyone violates your constitutional rights, I'll be the first to fight for you, you fucking inarticulate dumbass.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes. That is all.