Saturday, July 29, 2006

Letters, Oh We Get Letters....


People Can Get A Little Testy When You Point Out That They Have A Small Penis.

Someone who could only be a Lucentis sales rep had this to say about my recent post about how Genentech corporation is draining every last dollar they can from people who don't want to go blind:

Lucentis is what is called a small molecule. Not only does it stop the blood vessels from expanding this bliding the patient it actually repairs the eye restoring normal sight. Avastin only halts blindness it does not repair the eye. Get your facts straight dummy.

As I'm sure you can understand, these words simply devastated me. I mean, to be exposed as a dummy, how humiliating. I suppose I should probably go kill myself now.

Sarah Boseley should probably kill herself too. She's the health editor for the UK Guardian who wrote the article I linked to in my original post. She must be a really big dummy, because she talked to people at Genentech, who I'm sure would have made the point immediately to someone writing a story for a major international newspaper that Lucentis is a superior product over Avastin. Instead, all that is in the story is this:

Genentech said its main concern over the use of Avastin to treat eye conditions was patient safety.

Oh, and Dr. Philip Rosenfeld. I suppose he should kill himself for being a dummy. He's such a big dummy he studied Avastin, where he and his colleagues found, in an article published in the medical journal Ophthalmology titled Systemic bevacizumab (Avastin) therapy for neovascular age-related macular degeneration twelve-week results of an uncontrolled open-label clinical study. that:

By 12 weeks,the median and mean central retinal thickness measurements decreased by 157 microm (P = 0.008) and 177 microm (P = 0.001), respectively.


Hmmmmm....a medical journal, one of the world's most respected newspapers, and a medical doctor on one side, and an anonymous Internet troll on the other. You don't have to be a dummy to figure this out.

The only thing worse than making a living off ripping off sick people is making a living ripping off sick people while insisting you aren't. Just admit what you are Genentech. Honesty is free, is that why you abhor it so much?

You can read Dr. Rosenfeld's study here.

You can read the Guardian article here.


Anonymous said...

This article ought to be right up your alley:

Greed - the deadliest of all the sins.

Stephanie said...

I love the way drug companies lie to make themselves look better and then just end up looking like idiots. Anyway, I've been reading your blog for awhile now and you and the angry pharmacist inspired me to create my own. I've linked to you from my blog. The URL for my blog is

I look forward to reading more!

DrugMonkey, Master of Pharmacy said...

"Anyway, I've been reading your blog for awhile now and you and the angry pharmacist inspired me to create my own."

The power of the angry pharmacy employees continues it's unstoppable forward march.....eeeexxcccceellllleeennnnt....

Anonymous said...

Too much anger in the world. (I know too many pharmacists with high blood pressure, indigestion, permanent muscle spasms in upper shoulders. We got into this as part of the business of getting people better.) Repeat after me, it's all copacetic. Just hang in there.

(I wouldn't say 'don't get mad, get even'; the phraseology directed toward patients isn't why we headed down this career path, and the other medical professionals are our buddies, so mebbe a little anger directed toward big brother? insurance companies? corporate greed? managers that promote long hours and no bathroom breaks... just not the patients nor our trained professional buddies!)

But, yea, as a profession we do have our own way of looking at things, don't we?

'Old Pharm Girl'

Mr. Burns said...

"The power of the angry pharmacy employees continues it's unstoppable forward march.....eeeexxcccceellllleeennnnt...."
