Monday, October 06, 2008

My Friend Katie The Jewgirl Is Trying To Make A Professional Writer Out Of Me.

She's running a contest at her site, All The Way From Oy To Vey, which invites anyone who thinks they're good enough to guest blog something "outing McCunt for the cunt he really is, and defending the values Obama truly stands for"

So I took my shot. If I win, I get a dozen cupcakes from Jintrinsique, whom Katie assures the world is a divine baking Goddess, and I will no longer be able to say I've never received anything of value from my blog-gardening.

There were rules to make it interesting though. Katie is not the boring type who would run a simple essay contest. To play in this arena you had to:

1) Use the word "cunt" at least three times. Katie has a thing for the word cunt. I'm not sure why, but it's her contest and when in Rome I shall do as the Romans.

2) Invent three new words of your own. That's where the title of the post came from. For some reason I was really straining my brain to create three words.  

Anyway, you can take a look at what I came up with here, and you can vote for me by leaving a comment on the post. I hope you do. 'Cause I'm kinda hungry and the cupcakes look awesome.  


Romius T. said...

I voted for you my lil monkey!

Anonymous said...

I voted for ya too! Sorry about your loss by the way, that has to be hard to swallow knowing someone that was killed violently. It was hard enough for our pharmacy class after a member died just moments after finishing his umpteenth marathon, I couldn't imagine if it had been a violent ending.

Anyway, on to happier thoughts!! I'm super pumped because I wrote the Angry pharmacist and told him to fix his damn link to your site and he did!!!! WOOT! I chalk this up as a victory for all mankind! Now people can get directly to your site, and you don't have to wonder why everyone keeps going to the old drugnazi site. Go team pharmacy! Fuck yeah!

jin said...

Thank you kindly for the linky Sir!
Good luck with winning!

Anonymous said...

Of course I voted for you. Did you really have to ask?


Your blog is my favorite. Even when your blog is on another blog. Even when you say humpy humpy.

Margarita Mirasol said...

Anybody who thinks Obama/McInsane have values needs their heads testing.
Both would go to war again in a flash. They are fear-inducing politicians who should have no place in the White House.
Please vote Green this time and The First Party in 2012.
The Reps and the Dems will only ever bring you fear and war.