Wednesday, July 23, 2008

You Knew This Was Coming.

......or at least, you should have known this was coming. You should have known this was coming ever since we lost the battle of the hanging chads. From the editorial page of the Charlotte Observer:

Bush's latest: Birth control pills are abortion

Proposed rule at HHS would broaden definition of ‘abortion.'

The Bush administration is proposing a rule that defines abortion so broadly that it even includes prescribing or dispensing birth control pills. The rule would likely make it harder for many women to obtain legal contraceptives.

A draft regulation circulating at the Department of Health and Human Services might not appear, on the surface, so threatening. It would cut off federal funds to hospitals and states that try to compel medical providers to offer legal abortion services to women.

The wording is what's troubling. It defines abortion to include a number of commonly used birth control methods, including pills, IUDs and emergency contraceptives.

This is how politics is done my friends. A quiet changing of a definition by the under assistant deputy to Secretary No-Name. Right as they're headed out the door. When everyone's paying attention to very little other than who the next president is gonna be. Because the guy that next president puts in charge of the Department of Health and Human Services? He or she is gonna have a lot more to do than to comb through every word that was inserted or deleted into the Code of Federal Regulations during the previous administration. Chances are that once it's put in there, that definition stays on the books, even if specific policies get changed.

Then, after a quiet period, a judge somewhere says "Well, the federal government has defined oral contraception as a method of abortion for some time now. And according to the Women's Health Assurance Act of 2013, there can be only one abortion provider per county. We therefore find it illegal for there to be more than one pharmacy per county in the United States to carry birth control pills."

And you end up having to take all the Ortho-Novum off your shelves.

You think I exaggerate. That I'm wild-eyed and crazy. Well you know, 15 years ago, if I would have told you there would be pharmacists like Lloyd Duplantis, of Gray, Louisiana, you would have thought me wild-eyed and crazy too. These right wing idealogical lunatics are not to be underestimated, and this is how they work. Unless enough people notice and say something. Before that judge says something.

Do me a favor. Notice. Say something.

(Thanks to Asian Friend for that last link. It takes a village.)

20 comments: said...

Thanks for the heads-up; I "said something" and forwarded your post to all the women I know.

Also, I was very nice to my pharmacist yesterday. I'm always nice to him, but yesterday I was most especially nice.

Just in case you're him.

Pharmagurumi said...

Thank you for making people aware of this issue. I've emailed my friends and family about it so hopefully something will get done about it.

bernadette said...

hey,, got the link & shot off a letter.
now what about our chances in november???
i really,really,really want a president that talks gooder. said...

Drugmonkey -- does this mean that condoms are also considered abortion?

Cracked Pestle said...

Thank You for bringing this to my attention. I'm spreading the word among my pharmacist and technician colleagues at work, especially the young women. Fired off an e-mail to the asshat that's running HHS as well. I'd write my Congressman, but he's a dyed-in-the-wool theocrat so I won't waste my time there. I haven't been that riled up at 5AM since before they yanked my ovaries. Thanks again.

Unknown said...

I wonder if the pregnant chads will have abortions now.

Lunch Buckets said...

Noticed and said. But I still think you are wild-eyed and crazy.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Lloyd Duplantis -
Have you heard about the dominionists? It's not just pharmacists refusing service (eg: birth control), it's also doctors, nurses, and EMTs. And quite frankly, they scare me. You can read a bit about it here:

Robin Fonner Andersen said...

thanks for pointing this out to me. I am going to forward the info to everybody I can think of and some I can't...
WTF is wrong with these people? SO is having your period abortion, too? What if you have a hysterectomy, is that sort of a "pre-abortion"?

Charlie said...

Thank you for pointing this out. Your blog was the first place I heard about any of this. I did "say something" like you asked, and I've passed it on to friends.

Although having worked in the pharmacy, having that law might remedy the sunday afternoon "I NEED MY BIRTH CONTROL PILLS NOW!" rush.

Thank you DM,

Left Bower said...

@Blaze laflame: What about saying no? Is that abortion? Making it ilegal for a woman to turn down sex?

Any women who is not pregnent and not getting laid is nothing more then a pre-pre-abortion centre!

OTT? yes. Sarcasm? Dripping in it. Point made? I hope so.

Anonymous said...

I agree that if birth control = abortion, then condoms = abortion. So is having your period.. You can't just dispose of a living being like that. Masturbation? Hell to the yes, that's abortion. No more masturbation. That's like killing a baby.

Anonymous said...


Time for a new blog. I don't care how tired you are. It's time for a new blog...

...before I go astray.

Just kidding. Where am I gonna go?

Anonymous said...

I sent a letter from the link to NFPRHA so i guess that makes me a happy baby-killer then.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Drug Monkey. I came across an article on DIGG yesterday that made me good and pissed, because everyone started bashing pharmacists instead of the real issue at hand.

Thanks also for the link to send off a letter regarding this.

bernadette said...

omg drug duuuude.
just STOP with the stupider bush crap.
we know, we know.
it just can't be over too soon.

Amy Guth said...

Thanks for the info. Eesh!

Anonymous said...

Madam Z said...

This is horrifying! What will they dream up to punish post-menopausal women for having sex?

Thank you very much for informing us of this and for making it so easy to "say something."

This is Sixty said...

I am so grateful to you for posting this. I might never have known about it otherwise. WTF are these people thinking?