Tuesday, April 08, 2008

I Explain The Mess In Iraq With Two Quotes, Three Days After I Solved The Nation's Health Care Crisis With One Sentence.

Do you know the difference between a Shiite and a Sunni? Do you know that they HATE each other? Do you know they both live in Iraq? That they HATE each other? If so you're ahead of this guy:

“I thought it was differences in their religion, different families or something”

When given the scoop on the Shiites and Sunni's, who HATE each other, and have lots and lots of weapons in a country where 140,000 American troops are dispersed amongst almost 30,000,000 Iraqis, this is what he had to say:

“Now that you’ve explained it to me, what occurs to me is that it makes what we’re doing over there extremely difficult.”

It would be one thing if this were some random numbnut. It's not. The clueless one is a man named Terry Everett.

Terry Everett is a member of Congress.

He sits on the Armed Services Committee.

And the Intelligence Committee. Making the irony of his having this revelation more than 3 years after the war started all the richer.

I have also found evidence that Terry Everett may harbor fantasies of destroying the nation's capitol with warplanes and helicopters. This is an unaltered picture from his official website:

We're fucked.


Anonymous said...

I'm speechless and feel *REALLY* safe. These are the people running our country? What a dipshit.

I don't follow politics (except what you have on your blog! *hangs head*) and I'm more qualified (uh, b/c I have a brain) to be in Congress.

Unknown said...

sigh...at this point all you can do is... *face palm*

Phathead said...

You should send him this link, it'll keep his mind of things for a while lol


Anonymous said...

It's nice to know all those tax dollars we pay are being just thrown right the hell away. As pharmacists we pay quite a good chunk of tax too }:(

DrugMonkey, Master of Pharmacy said...

Up until now.....I'd been a little offended I had yet to be rick roll'd...:)

Katie Schwartz said...

Um, wow, that's deeply disturbing, isn't it?! Oh, wait, and creepy. It's not shocking. It's just scary.

The shame of it.