Monday, June 11, 2007

I Write Here For Free. Someone Else Got Paid To Write What I Quote In This Post. There Is No Justice On This Planet.

From the March, 2007 issue of U.S. Pharmacist:

This is a story made for soap operas. Sadly though, it is true, taken not from the TV guide but from a legal opinion. But if it has not happened yet, this story or one very similar will end up on a big or small screen somewhere. Unfortunately, it is not a rare or unique story. In fact, it seems to be rather common. It is a story about greed. The kind of raw gluttony that sickens you when you read about how loved ones in life become worst enemies at or near death. It also has a hint of a back story with a treacherous lawyer scheming to upset the balance a man tried to set up before he passed on, as he knew would happen soon.

This paragraph was written by a lawyer. Lawyers go to school a long time. And they write lots of things. Sadly though, it would seem that some lawyers never learn to write. I could write better than this. While high on crack. As a matter. Of fact. It's actually very hard. For me. To imitate the writing style of this illiterate boob. In order to mock it.

To be honest, I don't really know what this says about the relationship between myself and U.S. Pharmacist. Are they mocking me? Has U.S. Pharmacist given up on the profession, knowing full well that we long ago lost the time to read trade magazines, and now are lucky to find 5 minutes to look through the ads while taking a dump in the store bathroom? Or is this evidence of the continuing downward spiral of our civilization, an article written by an educated professional, for educated professionals, that would have been laughed out of our parents 5th grade English class?

Either way this represents nothing good. I'm scared. I'm confused. I need some scotch.


Pharmer Jane said...

What was that guy even trying to say? U.S. Pharmacist is pretty bad. I usually stick to Drug Topics.

Jenn Siva said...

I just graduated from a BSN program. You would not believe how many of those people cannot put together a coherent paragraph, yet entire essay.

I think my basics in writing came from a private secondary educaton. Then I built up from there.

We are not pumping out excellent writers from these institutions, we have given up on the idea that a undergrad or grad degree means you are a good communicator.

sucks really

Mother Jones RN said...

I wish you could get a full time writing gig, and get out from under Big Pharm's thumb. You are a very talented guy. And a smarty pants. But, then again, what would you have to write about if you stopped being a wage slave?

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Go get laid. Or meet Romius. At the Brokeback. Or both.