Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Dear Christians: Could I Change Your Mind About Just One Little Thing?

I've given up trying to talk some sense into you on the big picture things. I've accepted you will insist on living your life in a spiritual Oedipus complex, convinced that there is some sort of super father figure in the sky to be feared keeping score on you, while secretly wishing Mary would give you attention that intense of a different sort. You will worship the father, the son, and the holy ghost and continue to claim yours is a monotheistic religion. You will believe a story about a chick getting pregnant without getting any penis, secretly thinking this still gives you a shot at being the first to slip her some, then mock those who seek to "awake from the sleep of ignorance." Fine. I wish I could talk you into not using those beliefs as cover for so much of the violence you seem hell bent on committing, but we may not be ready for that discussion just yet. You don't trust me and I treat you with all the special contempt I reserve only for the dangerously ignorant. It's time for a confidence building exercise, something we can both agree on. I propose this:

The Lord's Prayer is not a song. It's not. Please quit singing it.

If you doubt me make a tape recording of yourself reading the thing. Listen to the flow. The up and down rhythm of the words. That short, direct, rat-a-tat-tat cadence actually contributes to the message. A person who knows not a word of English can get the picture that you are submitting yourselves to something very important. As a poem, it works pretty well.

So why do you piss on it by trying to make it into a hymn? The non-English speaker who would be so impressed by your reading couldn't help but to hear this music for what it is; trying to cram a square peg Jesus into a round musical hole. It doesn't fit, and you can't make it. When you try, you succeed only in hurting my ears and making yourself look stupid(er)

You know what else makes you look stupid Christians? This guy:

Christian pediatrician denies child service because parents are tattooed

A family is turned away by a local pediatrician, they say because of the way they look.

The doctor said he is just following his beliefs, creating a Christian atmosphere for his patients.

Tasha Childress said it's discrimination.

She said Dr. Gary Merrill wouldn't treat her daughter for an ear infection because Tasha, the mother, has tattoos.

The writing is on the wall-literally: "This is a private office. Appearance and behavior standards apply."

For Dr. Gary Merrill of Christian Medical Services, that means no tattoos, body piercings, and a host of other requirements-all standards Merrill has set based upon his Christian faith.

I guess I do have a lot to learn about Christians. I had no idea Jesus only hung out with good looking, well groomed people. Maybe there is a place for me in this religion. I am pretty hot, in that clean-cut Republican looking way you people seem to find acceptable.

I'm not singing that damn prayer though.


Cathy said...

One doesn't have to attack all Christians for the act of one unstable physician. I would think that most Christians think what he did was wrong. I actually don't think what he did had anything at all to do with religion.

I really like some of your earlier posts, but you are a little vulgar.

DrugMonkey, Master of Pharmacy said...

You're so wrong Cathy......I'm way more than a little vulgar....:)

If you can substitute other nouns without exception where you have written "Christian" and "physician"....nouns like "Muslim"...and do it sincerely...I'll exempt you from the contempt I write of. However, I've come across very few members of the church whom I believe can. I would point out that the demented doctor himself explains his actions by invoking his religion.

I also hope you're with me on the Lord's prayer as a song thing....

Anonymous said...

I am a Christian, and I think what the doctor did was ridiculous.

I'm completely with you on the Lord's Prayer. Perhaps it would fit in better with the Schoenberg Piano Concerto. It wasn't meant to fit in with normal music.

Awesome Mom said...

It is idiots like that that give Christians a bad name. I doubt very much that Christ would have refused to heal someone just because he did not like the way they look.

You are right, you are more than a little vulgar and the Lord's Prayer should not be sung :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Drug Monkey,
I'm a Pharmacist, a Christian, and I love your blog.
It only takes one rotten apple to spoil the whole bunch.
This "physician" cannot accurately call himself a Christian if he refuses to help people who look different. He should read more about the life of Jesus and the kind of people He helped (lepers, prostitutes, outcasts, etc.)
Drug monkey, I agree with you on some points (Lord's Prayer should be spoken, not sung) and disagree with you on others(a pharmacist should be FREE to CHOOSE not to do something he/ she believes is wrong, such as dispensing EC).
Regardless, I love your blog for many reasons, not the least of which is my respect for the Freedom of Speech.
Keep 'em comin!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I know you have studied some biochemistry. How can you suggest there wasn’t some kind of intelligent design when you see just how complex and specific biological reactions are? There is no way evolution could account for all the biochemical processes in the human body. I’ll give you some adaptability but not the whole enchilada. Granted, this is my opinion and we all know opinions are like assholes … This is just one of the things I can’t get past when I try to question the existence of God. Now don’t go thinking I’m trying to convert you because I’m not, nor am I a religious freak. I just wanted to throw this out there and see what you think. Now for all the people out there who use their “faith” as a crutch, I agree with you whole heartedly. I’ll dispense plan B till the cows come home. I just feel like there is something out there to account for us.

Well, dear sir, I’m yours to slaughter. I respect you thoughts and opinion and would just like to see your line of thought.

Anonymous said...

Oh Jesus Cathy, "vulgar"??
If I said "balls" would you get all squirmy and uncomfortable? Would you wrinkle up your cute little nose at the notion of a term like that being bandied about? Drugmonkey has balls, get over it.

As far as the singing of the Lord's prayer goes I have two rules: It should be sung as neither a dirge or an anthem. Meaning neither half-assed or over zealously. Zealots scare the bejesus out of me...

Speaking of zealots, that's the label this Pediatrician deserves with all his rules and what-not. Does he really think that Jesus (or Buddha, or any other relevant "nice guy/saint") would turn away a kid in need, much less screaming from an ear infection? Shame, shame...

Cathy said...

My nose is cute? Hey, thanks...:)

Romius T. said...

I like the idea that god only likes hot people. When I get to heaven I better damn well see only cute chicks in hatler tops.

Don't tell me it's just the muslims who get cute virgins.

Anonymous said...

The problem with intelligent design isn't at the explanation end, it's at the origin end. Why does it have to be your god designing? Why couldn't it be Odin, or aliens, or Scientologists, or cats in funny little hats that 'designed' us?

Intelligent design isn't the answer to a question, it's just another way of saying 'Hey, that question makes me uncomfortable. Let's pretend you didn't say that. Praise Jesus!'

Randall Sexton said...

I have tattoos and an earring and I will not turn anyone away, even if they are a Christian. But then, I'm a shaman!

Anonymous said...

I have a personal affinity for those who rail on christians. Only dealing with insurance companies rivals negotiating with christians. I will dispense plan B (which is not an abortion pill), a real abortion pill if one ever comes out, and HIV meds to anyone no matter how many goats they did to get it. We are all children of a fictional, non-existent entity that has 3 forms but that we insist on refering to as "one" god. Now, if I could only find some stickers that say "Do not take if you believe in prayer"


Danielle said...

hey, tnkt, you wouldn't be very happy if, say, a vegetarian checkout clerk told you to bring your dead cow packets to another lane because she isn't going to sell you that stuff. If you can't fulfill all the duties of a job, you shouldn't take it. If you think EC is immoral, don't become an OB/GYN or a pharmacist! I'd be pretty pissy if I came into a pharmacy a little freaked because the condom broke and some asshole interfered in my medical decision.

I read about the pediatrician on a message board. One would think the appearance and behavior standards would apply to his staff, not the patients.

Xtians believe the craziest things.

Sarah said...

I hate it when the Christian establishment makes us all look like jerks. As a student at a Christian university, I was shocked by an article in my student paper railing against higher availability of AIDS meds and immediately responded (the response was published). Jesus associated with and ministered to society's "outcasts", and was an outcast himself (the last of several attempts on his life by the establishment was successful). It makes me sad when people who call themselves Christians have become like those who persecuted Jesus and his followers. I am a Christian with a nose piercing, and my sister is also pierced and has 7 tattoos. I don't think Jesus minds :)

Anonymous said...

I think most bible thumpers substitute their own opinions into what the bible actually said.. and if you call them on it you are a sinner.

I dare say that most of the people that do things like this have never actually read the bible at all. And if I was God I would be more pissed off at the people misguiding others under my name, than those who dont believe at all...

great blog btw

Anonymous said...

Jesus was BFFs with Mary Magdalene. Mary Magdalene might have been a prostitute.

Jesus got down with the bad girls.