Friday, April 14, 2006

Not That I'll Ever Voluntarily Have Anything To Do With Children.

I suppose in the abstract I'm glad that people are out there creating a future tax base for the money that will end up in my Social Security check, but my contacts with the little banshee-devils never go well. I don't like them, they don't like me. It's best for all concerned that we avoid each other.

For some unknown reason though, I found myself in the children's section at the local bookstore the other day and what should catch my eye except for a book on.....farting. It wasn't a bad read really. I learned that the average fart contains about 4 ounces worth of gas. I never would have guessed that, I thought they would be way smaller.

I left wondering why they can't teach something at least a tenth as interesting in the continuing education I'm forced to take to keep my license, and with a new book to share the next time I get roped into one of those "Oh you have to come over to see the baby" hell events.

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