Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The New York Times Editorial Board Must Be Stopped.

Shock. Absolute shock was what I felt today as I looked over the editorials of The New York Times and saw this from April 22nd:

The Bush administration's habit of politicizing its scientific agencies was on display again this week when the Food and Drug Administration, for no compelling reason, unexpectedly issued a brief, poorly documented statement disputing the therapeutic value of marijuana. The statement was described as a response to numerous inquiries from Capitol Hill, but its likely intent was to buttress a crackdown on people who smoke marijuana for medical purposes and to counteract state efforts to legalize the practice.

And then this:

The government is actively discouraging relevant research, according to scientists quoted by Gardiner Harris in yesterday's Times. It's obviously easier and safer to issue a brief, dismissive statement than to back research that might undermine the administration's inflexible opposition to the medical use of marijuana.

Can you believe this my friends? Could it be any clearer? This "newspaper" is obviously taking its cues for what to put on it's editorial page from this very blog, while giving me no credit whatsoever. Now I understand this "paper" has been around a long time, which is why I am all the more shocked at it's conduct. I also understand this outfit has won over 94 Pulitzer Prizes, and I can't help but to think that I may have had one yanked out from under me here.

But of course this isn't about me. My mission here is simply to get information into the hands of the people. It's about the legions of other thinkers, opinion leaders, and hard hitting investigative writers whose ideas may have been co-opted by this "paper" Plagiarism is never pretty my friends, but this time they have gone too far. My latest numbers show I've been getting almost TWO HUNDRED READERS A DAY who now know the truth. My uncle, an attorney, was very skillful in forcing the state to drop it's driving too fast for conditions charges against me last year. I will be meeting with him tomorrow.

Read their theft of my ideas here

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