Monday, January 05, 2009

A Politics Post, If You Don't Like The Politics Just Skip It, But It's Getting Written, Because I've Waited A Long Time To Write It.

Dear Minnesota, 

Meet your new mutha-fuckin' You-nited States Senator!!!!!!!!!!

ST. PAUL, Minn. – A Minnesota board on Monday certified results showing Democrat Al Franken winning the state's U.S. Senate recount over Republican Norm Coleman.

My friends, if I were famous, I would cite Al Franken as one of my biggest influences. Not only for his biting, witty thoughtful humor, which would be enough quite honestly, but for his massive wonky brainpower. He combined the two on the flagship show on the Air America network for a few years before deciding to make his Senate run. If you never caught the show when it was on the air, you should punch yourself in the face right now. 

But I'm not famous, so I guess that just makes me some sort of Al Franken groupie. 

A groupie who is quite proud to have delivered this election to the object of my affection. That's right my friends. I know from my site meter that I get a disproportionate number of hits from the Twin Cities. And considering Franken won the election by 225 votes. I don't think it an exaggeration to say that my work uncovering the fact that Franken's opponent, Norm Coleman, never denied being a member of Al-Queda and chose to pal around with members of an organization known to have enabled child molesters was the deciding factor in this election. People of Minnesota, I proudly accept the humble thank yous you are to sure to send my way. 

Coleman's not done yet though. In a dramatic flip-flop from his thinking on election night, when preliminary results showed him with a slim lead and he said if he were in Franken's position he would "step back," Coleman has now adopted an anti-step back platform. He has plans to sue to the bitter end. But as the wonkiest of wonky political number crunchers Nate Silver over at explains, he has about as much chance of prevailing as we do of ever hearing GlaxoSmithKline admit Paxil CR is just a load of crap formulated to pad their bottom line. 

That sound you hear is the fat lady singing in full force my friends, and it's the best thing I've heard since Franken's show went off the air. Tonight's scotch is celebratory.


Anonymous said...

it really was about franken
(vintage snl for the youngsters)

Từ Thanh Giác said...

I clicked on the link that Norm Coleman chose to pal around with members of and organization known to enable child molesters and LMAO.

It brought to mind Pat Oliphant's celebration of spring at St. Paedophilia's Catholic Church. It depicted the Running of the Altar Boys. It showed priests with grins rushing down church steps to chase horrified boys in robes.

Mother Jones RN said...

Maybe you should run for the Senate. Then you and Al can hangout in DC. I can just imagine the one-liners you two would come up with in the Senate chambers.


Thom Foolery said...

He's good enough, he's smart enough, and, doggonit, the people elected him!

Anonymous said...

Politics, pharmacy, religion....whatever you write, I read. I am a drugmonkey addict!

BTW the official pharmacy slogan "poor planning" has been my personal slogan for my entire retail career--I long for the day I can actually say it to someone's face....
