Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Maybe The Most Respectful Hate Mail I've Ever Received

The wacko Congressional wanna be from Florida has his defenders:

Uhhh...have you ever actually read or seen the (depraved) "stuff" that Al Jazeera publishes??? You may be a Pharmasist (and for that I respect my wife is one as well) but you have absolutely no clue as to world affairs in regards to the war on terror and the simple (and obvious) fact that Al Jazeera is just another "tool" of the terrorists. Try "growing up a little" and "look outside of the box" that you have been placed in by our pathetic excuse for a media (cheering section for the DNC...and terrorists, would be more accurate) I'll just give you the benifit of the doubt for being niave. Take this to heart from someone that has actually some experience in this, just like I take the advice that you (or my wife) would give me on my prescription. If I were LTC West, I'd decline the interview as well, because they are NOT my friends and they would arrange to do me bodily harm if they could get away with it!



By all means solider boy, lets talk about naivete. You know what I said the first time I saw a news report that took seriously the fact we might invade Iraq?

"Chris Matthews is on fucking crack."

You know what many of your colleagues said?

" join army. Saddam got nooculur bombs."

And now today we have this:

On Dec. 14, 2003, the London Sunday Telegraph published an explosive front-page story headlined, "Terrorist behind September 11 strike 'was trained by Saddam.'" The proof was a July 1, 2001, letter from the head of Iraqi intelligence, Tahir Jalil Habbush, stating that 9/11 terrorist Mohammed Atta had trained for his mission in Iraq. War supporters touted this story as further justification for the Bush administration's war......

....So what happened? Pulitzer-Prize winning author Ron Suskind argues in his new book, "The Way of the World," the White House fabricated this letter and paid Habbush $5 million to stay quiet. Additionally, officials ignored Habbush's warnings that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. Suskind's reporting provides the latest bit of evidence that the Bush administration deliberately misled the public to launch its war.

They made it up. Made it up and you fell for it. By all means lets talk about naivete. Maybe in honor of the way you got used, they could rename your unit the Charmin brigade.

Sorry for the insult, but I was a little offended by you asking if I ever read something I provided a link to. Yes, I've seen what your enemy has done to your colleagues. I've also seen what your colleagues have done to people who were no one's enemy. I'm a little sorry you pissed away the best years of your life getting GI pay while the liars you served were writing million dollar checks to keep the facts on the down low. I feel a little bad for the shit you went through, but I feel a lot worse for the people who never asked for it.

Who never signed an enlistment contract.

Who are in a country that never attacked us.

You do know most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi Arabians, yes?

You do know their base of operation was Afghanistan?

You do know that Saudi Arabia is not Iraq, right? Because you're such a sophisticated foreign policy think tank kinda fella. I bet you even know Afghanistan isn't Iraq either.

So why exactly are so many of your colleagues spending so much time, so much blood, and so many of our tax dollars in a place that isn't Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan? Wouldn't have anything to do with laying the groundwork for the people that actually run this country to cash in on the world's oil supply would it?

Of course not. It would be naive to think a thing like that.

You got taken. I'm sorry. Kind of.


Gourmandish said...

My response to this e-mail would be:

Uhhh... have you ever actually read or seen the (depraved) "stuff" that Fox News Channel publishes???

"We Report. You Decide." Yeah. My ass.

By your logic, I suppose Sean Hannity and Bill O' Reilly are torturing liberal hippies in the basement.

So what if Al-Jazeera has an agenda? So do most of the mass media in the United States, and if you can't see that, you are the naive one.

Left Bower said...

The start of what might be the most respectful flame war ever? ;)

Anonymous said...

This guy's wife is a pharmacist, yet he can't spell the word?

And he's in the what?

Maybe this'll be the written evidence that'll get me asylum in Canada. I'll try crying more pathetically, too.

Anonymous said...

It's actually really funny that I've heard a lot from my arabic friends aboout how Al-Jazeera is considered pro-west by some hardliners. I guess if people on both extremes hate them they must be doing something right.

Ninja Pharmer said...

"Gosh", DrugMonkey, you "sure" do attact a "whole different" kind of "commenter".

WTF is with all the quotation marks?

Unknown said...

i hate richard perle and now i had to see him ....
double ewww.

Unknown said...

wait.. did he say " bodily harm" ?