Tuesday, October 04, 2011

We Have Finally Reached A Bipartisan Consensus In Washington. Now All We Need Is A Time Machine.

So the words of yesterday's right wing whack job can get someone branded a flaming socialist today. I can only shudder at the thought of what tomorrow will bring:


Precious said...

I just finished your book. I have tell you it had to be one of my favorite reads. I havent been in the field since 2003. But boy do I remember. Best day of my life to write my letter if resignation and go on to better things. I miss it in a twisted way of course. Every page front to back of this was a reminder and had me laughing my a$$ off the majority of the time and praising myself that this former 'supertech' knew exactly what you were talking about.

bcmigal said...

awesome video! You rock!

Từ Thanh Giác said...

It will never happen without a revolution.