Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tomorrow I'm Supposed To Be Thankful Because Some Indians Who Later All Got Killed Didn't Let Some Pilgrims Starve. OK, I'm Down With That.

I'm thankful that I'm free to give my body a break from the river of scotch I pour down my throat every night by lighting up a joint every once in awhile.

Oh, whoops. I forgot for a second there I'm not.

But I am thankful I can leave my stress behind and am free to take a little vacation to a tropical wonderland such as Cuba.

Except I'm not. And not because the Cubans won't let me in.

Wow. Look how cynical I am. Alright. Lemmie try again.

I guess I'm thankful that kid really wasn't in the balloon.

And I'm thankful I'm not a turkey.

Go eat now.


Elliott said...

I think that you are not thinking selfishly enough. Be thankful that you are in the top 1% income and assets in the world. Be thankful you have health insurance. Be thankful you have a blog. I guess you can be thankful that you weren't born a long time ago, but assuming the world doesn't go all Easter Island, those born in the future will also have it better.

On a totally different scale, be thankful for those gut bacteria obliviously keeping you healthy. Be thankful for the yeast that ferments your scotch and pumps out those nifty biologicals. Be thankful for the bugs that sicken your patients so that you have a job.

Finally, as emotionally scarred as you are, be thankful that you never turned to the church of the GOP (or any other) for your salvation.

Mallory said...

I'm thankful for central heating, electricity, the internet, chocolate, carbonated soft drinks, and my laptop. All of which I am enjoying right now, and all of which have very little to do with pilgrims, native americans, or turkey.

Phathead said...

I'm thankful for the pharmacy being closed tomorrow.

Beat that.

Anonymous said...

i'm thankful for 24 hour walgreens and holiday pay. holla.

Jan said...

That was an amazing video. So sad that she's so oblivious to what's going on there.

Frank, CPhT said...

I am thankful for idiot co-workers. Without their tireless efforts to be as sub-par as possible, I wouldn't look so fucking awesome!

Penny Mitchell said...

I'm thankful that "Vice President Palin" isn't anything other than a really, really bad joke.

Cracked Pestle said...

I'm thankful at least one of my grandchildren has received the H1N1 vaccine. That would be the one that lives in Canada.

Freida Bee said...

I'm thankful there are others in the world who are as or more cynical than me, and that, at least, when my extended family (on my side) doesn't feign grace.