Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tonight's Environmental Tip. Running A Fever Is A Great Way To Lower Your Home Heating Bill And Reduce Your Carbon Footprint.

It is 62 degrees in the condo as I type this, yet I am wearing a T-shirt and shorts and actually feel kinda warm. I have big plans for all the money I won't be sending to Pacific Gas & Electric this month.

I am shaking a lot though, and moving like only the most feeble of my elderly customers. I wonder if it would take me 15 minutes to make out a check like it does them? Perhaps this is but a little taste of what old age has in store for me. I just now passed on getting some orange juice because I didn't want to invest the time it would take to walk to the kitchen.

On the other hand, the last thing on my mind this night is being all namby-pamby about something like being unable to set foot in a coffee shop, or pondering whether Hillary Clinton is worse than John McCain because a traitor is worse than an enemy. No, the only thing I am worried about tonight is breathing. There's a charming simplicity to that. The cold viruses in my lungs brought with them a little relief into my life. On some level I'll be sorry to see them go.


Mother Jones RN said...

I bet Hillary feels worse today than you do:-)

Get well soon!

Jenn Siva said...

Get better my dear friend. RSV season sucks, when you are a health care worker. You end up with the worst cold of your life every single year.

Nicholas said...

I hope corpo pharm chain covered your shift for you? No rest for the weary.

Season said...

Poor DrugMonkey, do you at least get an unscheduled day off out of it?

Anonymous said...

I've had my biggest life epiphanies when I was sick. It's something about just surviving that makes it all seem simple, huh?

Hope you feel better though... xox