Monday, February 25, 2008

I've Been Thinking A Lot Today About How Good A Lighthouse Operator I Would Be, And I Don't Know Why.

I don't mean I don't know why I would be a good lighthouse operator. There is no doubt in my mind I would be the most kick-ass lighthouse operator in maritime navigation history. I could sit there, at the top of my lighthouse all day long, with a book or something, and when I saw a ship on the horizon, I would know in the marrow of my bones that there would be no way it would hit any rocks. Because I would have a backup light bulb next to me. Just in case.

It wouldn't be all business though. As the ships passed by I could tap out things like "You suck" in Morse code using my giant light. If the ship's Capitan figured it out, he wouldn't be mad, because I had done such a good job of making sure he didn't become grounded, and because he would realize that injecting a little fun into the day is one of the things that made me the world's best lighthouse operator.

They'd probably put me in the goddamn lighthouse operator Hall of Fame.

What I mean is that I don't know exactly why these thoughts became so embedded in my mind today. I've known for years what a good lighthouse operator I would be, but today I couldn't get the thought out of my mind. Maybe the lighthouse is actually some sort of phallic symbol, and I realized today that the way to safe harbor for someone I know is through my penis.

I think I should use one of those glow in the dark condoms if that turns out to be the case.


Anonymous said...

I live in Cleveland, we have a lot of bridges with bridge operators... I would very much love to be a bridge operator. It's my dream job. I understand.

Anne said...

Um, do you know the ship in question, or are you speculating on future navigation patterns? I have no doubt of your mad lighthousing skills, I'm just wondering if there's a USS Bootycall on the horizon already. And I know what you mean. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to give up on medicine and be a construction worker (maybe because they're building condos next to the hospital where I work, and the builders always look much happier than the interns/residents).

DrugMonkey, Master of Pharmacy said...


The coast is distressingly clear at the moment.

My eye is ever vigilantly kept on the horizon however.....

Anonymous said...

ok, you either drank your breakfast or you have too much time on your hands--but you're still funny.
I'd like to trade the spatula and play golf for a living and get paid obscene amounts of money for it.

Romius T. said...

Greensunflower thinks we are the same person. And when you reveal a secret fetish for lighthouses I begin to think she maybe right. I

woolywoman said...

my dream job

jess said...

"I wanna marry a lighthouse keeper and keep him company,

I wanna marry a lighthouse keeper and live by the side of the sea..."

Anonymous said...

LoL I almost spit out my coffee reading that last little line... Good one Drug Monkey...

Anonymous said...